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Don't quite know how this works, but imma try my best.

1. Sexuality
Aromantic (I think I spelt that wrong) basically I don't feel love.

2. Gender
I sexually identify as a Toaster. Please use the pronoun M8.

3. Last song
Not much of a normal song guy, so it's this.


I don't know how to put the video in so just copy and paste the link.

4. Happy?
Depends on if I am awake or not.

5. Hair colour.
Ginger. The hair is nice but the skin is terrible. If I go into the sun for 0.2 seconds I get sunburnt.

6. Zodiac
I'm pretty sure I'm a Taurus or whatever, I care little about those kinds of things.

7. Favourite colour
Lime green. I'm not a Scunt trust me.

8. Favourite food
Plastic and fingernails.

9. Battery percentage
40% as of writing this. And it's only a downward spiral from here!

10. Favourite vegetable
Whats a vegetable again?

11. Favourite anime
The Seven Deadly Sins.

Gotta tag ten people huh? Gee, that's a hard one. I can't do ten, I can only do two. Sorry.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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