Prologue : 1

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It has been quite awhile since I have broken up with my boyfriend. I admit I was in a unhealthy relationship, but I miss the feeling of being loved. Or getting morning kisses, all those romantic, lovey dovey stuffs normal couples do.

I was being piled by overloaded work given by my boss. Needed to sign this, finish this proposal by 8pm.. Skip my lunch, and dinner. Even all my colleagues went back to their family or partner to spend time with, while I have to sit at my desk to sort things and finish before I can even take a 2 seconds break. It was never-ending, my hands moving swiftly, the worlds looking so blurry. As if, time never existed. Moving left to right, walking to my boss's office to submit things. While he asks me to go back and redo everything.

I was furious, when I got back home. Seeing my partner going on a date with a girl without me knowing. I couldn't bear to let go of my anger, as my friend told me. I was extremely disappointed. My heart broken into glass pieces, while multiple millions of bullets pierced into my body. He tried to explain, but I knew that once you cheated on someone, you can never cover the fact that you didn't cheated before. I was being slapped by white lies at this whole time ever since I said, "Yes. I will be your girlfriend."

I wanted to escape from that situation, seeing that slut he slept with ran away. You screamed your boyfriend's name while your boyfriend grasp your shoulders, trying to get you look at him. Trying to explain everything when it was all filled with his lies, you saw him being with another woman doing the same sweet things that he does to you. As you tried to not believe it but it is real, the way he caressed her cheek. Something he never do for you. As he tries to shake your shoulders explaining everything that he could to save his relationship with you. Till you say these few words.

"I can't.. Let's break up.. Lee.. Taehyun.. I can't afford to stay with you anymore, you-"

"Y/N! Please.. I'm sorry, we are just friends!"

You walked away, telling him you would like to break contact with him, and informing him that you want him to pay you everything you afforded for him. The house, the car you brought for him on his birthday, how you helped his family go through his finances. Everything..

You ran to your best friend's house which was 15 minutes away. You immediately knocked at her door, you were so weak that when she opened the door, you collapsed on the porch. She caught you before you hit your head on the concrete cold floor. It was all luck.

All you could feel and see was darkness, fear. You didn't know how to react, you were always getting the unexpected situations. Like God despised you all the while.

Few hours later..

You woke up to a migraine, you were aching everywhere. You sat up and find yourself in your best friend's room, you wondered what happened after you knocked out. You were reluctant to find your best friend, because you know she is very worried about you at times. Your groans echoed around the room, and your best friend, of course. Yuna came in with her worried sick eyes, rushing to your side. Wanting to know what happened, " Y/N.. Are you okay? What happened? "

You explained everything, Yuna was so furious, filled with anger. She wanted to defend you, and start a war. But she knows it is not what you wanted. You would normally preferred peace everytime you have breakups, but this time was different. Taehyun was with you since high school till university. He always gave you roses, letters and all those. Making you feel like he is the only one who cared about you, like you were his number one.

Who knew, he was a asshole. Who knew that such blinded love this was, how attractive the person can be can even hide their true colors.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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