Chapter Five

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Jugyeong P.O.V.
( Next Morning)
I was about to walk straight towards my car but then a black mercedes car, stop right infront of me, making me taking a step back in defense. I look at that person furiously as the car window slide open.
"Suho?! How..what ..when??!" I was out of words. He sighed and said, "Just get in first. Then I'll explain." I get in at the backseat and buckle on seatbelt awkwardly.
"Why are you picking me up?" I said bluntly. "Seojun asked me too." As he drive out of the parking lot. "Why are you here?" I said looking at the window, avoiding his eyes. He sighed. "I went back here for a while to visit Korea. Don't get me wrong,  I was busy so it's hard for me to keep in touch with you guys." He explain.  I stayed quite the whole journey to my campus. And when we arrived, he opens the car door for me and I get out from the car.
"Suho, taewo jwoseo gomawo ( thank you for the ride)." I bowed my head shyly almost falling. "Pfft..doum-idoenda. ( great to help) He answered. "Mannaseo bangawoyo, Jugyeong." Suho said as he went inside the car, looking at me from the car window seat.  "Neodo Suho." I replied in Korean. He glance at me from the car and gave me a warmth smile. I smile back and wave awkwardly and uwu.
I walk through the hallway and acidentally bumped into someone and tripped myself on the floor. "Ow.." I winced in pain and my knees bruised from the friction on the floor. "Are you, okey?" An angelic voice comforted  me as I look up and saw a blonde hair with greyish-hazel eyes infront of me lending her hand to pick me up. I take her hand as she pulled me up as I fix my wrinkled dress. "Thank you." I adressed. "I'm Song Hye Ri." She smiled brightly, offering a hand shake. "Jugyeong Lim." I shake her hand then let go. "I'm kinda lost here. Do you know which class number is 603? It's a language class  actually." She said asking for direction.
"Class serial no 603." I checked my schedule and saw were having the same class right now. "Actually, I know which class is that. Follow me." I walk infront of her as she followed me from behind.
( First class period ended and it's lunch break so I'm free)

Phone Text
Jugyeong: Where are you? ( covered her face from the sun)
Seojun: Look behind you.
Jugyeong: ( turn around and dimple smiled at him)

Jugyeong P.O.V.
"Hey.." I greeted him. "Let's go. You hungry?" He asked concerned. "Yeah, didn't eat much this morning." I said.
"Ladies first," He said manly. "Thank you." I went inside the car as he opens the door for me, he parked near to the campus entrance area. He sat at the driver seat and locked the door and fastened his seatbelt.
"So, where to eat?" He asks.
"Shabu Shabu." I answered. He starts the car enjin and we drive to our destination.
( At Shabu Shabu restaurant)
"Wow..this place is amazing" I drooled.
"Let's take our place first." Seojun guided Jugyeong to their seats. I scan the menu to look for order.

"I'll take the Japanese Chicken wings and chicken Gyoza. And for my drinks, I'll have a glass of Soju. Seojun, how about you?" I ordered and ask Sojeon for his order.
"I won't have any other for food but for drinks, I'll have a glass of Soju too. And add two bowl of rice." Closest the menu book and place it aside.

( A few minutes later and the food and drinks finally arrive at the table and they start eating)
( Time skip after they finished their meal)
"I'm so full. That was so good. My belly can go mountain with these kind of foods." I said.
"You eat too much. Let's go or you'll be late for your next class" Seojun dragged me out of the chair.
"Carry me." I demand.
"No, your limbs are to heavy for me to carry." I said.
"Fine.." I get up from the chair and walk off while giving him the chaeshire look. He rolled his eyes.
"Wait, for me!" Seojun run to catch her up.
Seojun grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. "Where do you think you're going without me?" He ask still holding her arm. "Nowhere..just walking away from you." She answered bluntly and look to the side, not looking at him. Seojun sighed, "Let's go. I'm bringing you somewhere." Seojun held her hand as they walk side by side.
( Time skip and it's nightime so the street lights are on along the hallway)

( Time skip and it's nightime so the street lights are on along the hallway)

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

( This is Banpedagyo Bridge at Hangang River. It is a popular place for date spot)
Jugyeong P.O.V.
"Wow, this is beautiful. But why are you bringing me here?" I look at him, raising my eyebrows.
"Well, erm..I just wanted to give this to you lately. So, maybe this is the right time." He took out Tiffany & Co. case velvet genuine box from his coat pocket.
"For me?" I said gasping while opening the box and inside, it showed a sterling silver cubic zirconia pearl pendant necklace.

 "For me?" I said gasping while opening the box and inside, it showed a sterling silver cubic zirconia pearl pendant necklace

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

( Like in this picture)
"This is beautiful. But you don't have too waste your money on such thing like this for me." I refuse his gift kindly. "Jugyeong," His voice soften, "This is a gift for you for being my girlfriend. And plus I didn't get you anything for your birthday last time." He said  feeling guilty. "You're there for me. So, that's all that matters. I didn't expect gifts anyway." I answered, "Okey, I'll accept this gift.
"Can I put the necklace on you?" He ask as I took out the necklace from the box and I was about to wear it around my neck but I pause when I was about to attach the necklace on me when he asked.
I nod 'okey' and he went behind me, attaching the necklace on my neck gently in his hands.
"It looks beautiful on you. Just like the person." He whispered near my ear softly and I flustered a tinge of red on my face and when I was about to turn around to face him, and almost trip on the floor but he caught me bridal style before I fall and our lips almost touching as our eyes met. I stand up on my feet and look away. "Erm, I guess..we should get going." I said biting my lip in embarresment.
"Okey." He answered short as we went down the bridge.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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