Once Again, We Delve Into The Depths Of My Weirdness

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Do you ever realise the most random things about yourself? I've noticed that I say and write the word literally way too much. Seriously, I say it so much now that I think about it. And I always say the word careful. Somebody will drop something, and I'll say careful, in the exact same tone of voice every time. I even notice my body language, the other day I got excited about something and started bouncing up and down in my chair, only to be struck with the realisation that I was doing exactly what my older brother does. I even said out loud, "damn, we are related." Can we all agree that Pirates of the Caribbean is one of the best things ever? If you disagree, then can you please stop blowing holes in my fandom. If anybody gets that reference then I love you.  I really should be doing homework right now, but my (non-existent) readers are awaiting my update, so here I am, writing this.

I think that in each update I want to tell you something about myself. I've already mentioned that I have a brother, so that doesn't count. I have just realised that I am having chicken tacos for dinner, and am now immensely excited. I even managed to convince my dad to cook the meat in a pan instead of the oven. But back to me telling you something about myself. I have a talent for becoming obsessed with things, especially books and music. I am currently listening to You Make My Dreams Come True by Daryl Hall and John Oates, and wondering how I managed to put 610 songs on my playlist of literally just songs that I like. If I'm being completely honest, 95% of the music that I listen to has come from my dad. I like new music, but there's just so much more old music that I like. Majority of my music is 70's and 80's, with the occasional real oldie in there. I'd like you all to take a moment to appreciate the artistry of Junior Wells, seriously, his music is amazing. If you ever get the time, you should listen to Snatch it Back and Hold It, and Good Morning Schoolgirl. They are my absolute favourite songs by him. If I'm looking for a song to make me cry, I'd definitely go for Hallelujah. Every-single-time that I take a moment to appreciate this song, it brings tears to my ears. Another killer is Landslide by Fleetwood Mac, absolutely beautiful in my opinion.

Now that I've told you something about myself, I reckon that it's about time for me to rant about something completely random. Here it is ...

Donut Holes

If you don't know what they are, let me fill you in. Neither do I. It's essentially a sphere of a rather cake-like substance. My question is, who decided to name them donut holes? Did somebody look at a donut, and be like, "why is there nothing in the middle?" and then were they like, "I'm gonna make something to put in the middle." Ridiculous, in my opinion. The other possible, although equally ridiculous option is that somebody had some left-over cake mix or something, rolled it up into a ball, and was like "now what the hell am I going to call this?" Why the apparently anonymous inventor of the 'donut hole' couldn't come up with a better name, we will never know. Unless of course, somebody invents time-travel and can be bothered to put in the time and effort to discover who invented donut holes, and goes back to ask them. As this is unlikely, I'll just go with my previous statement of us never knowing.

Now, I should probably wrap this up so that I don't have any more excuses not to finish the homework that's due tomorrow, but really should have been done weeks ago.


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