When Snowed In With The Devil

Start from the beginning

I heard voices when I came downstairs into the kitchen, showered and in Lucifer's clothes. they were way too big on me, I could've worn his shirt as a dress, the way it hung down my figure. I wasn't short, I was actually really quite tall for a girl but Lucifer was just freaking massive. The animated conversation died when I entered the kitchen and I saw Lucifer sitting on the high chair again and Kilyan making some toast.

"Morning." I smiled. "Is Lu still sleeping?" I saw a blush taint Kilyan's cheeks before he turned away to check on the toast. 

"Yes, I... let him sleep." He muttered and I grinned, but the grin disappeared when I felt Lucifer's stare. I turned to him and this time he didn't even look away. We continued to just kinda stare at each other until Kilyan cleared his throat.

"So I see you're wearing my beta's clothes." He drawled, obviously happy to be able to tease me for a chance. "How come?" His smirk said everything.

"Certainly not because of what you're thinking." I drawled back. "I needed a shower but didn't have any spares, so Lucifer here gave me something to change into." I thought I heard Kilyan say something like sure thing but chose to ignore it. With a look at the time I straightened up and turned to leave only to have Lucifer's voice stop me.

"Where are you going, fairy?" Oh, we were back to being mean.

"Heaven, where I belong. What do you think?" I sassed and walked right passed him and tried to open the door. But when I did, all I could see was white. I pulled the door open wider and shouted of my shoulder:

"Erm, guys. Please tell me I'm not just seeing this." I heard some shuffling and soon I had too very tall males behind me who were staring at the white wall in front of us.

"Shit." Lucifer exclaimed.

"You stole my words, dude." Kilyan agreed. Still gaping at the snow we didn't hear Luke come down the stairs until he spoke.

"What're you guys staring at?" He mumbled, his voice still thick with sleep and bed hair that stood in all directions. He pushed past Kilyan and Lucifer and came to a stop beside me.

"Shit." He whispered and Lucifer let out a humourless chuckle.

"My words exactly." 


Luke and I had made quite the spectacular breakfast from what we had in the fridge. It's not like it wasn't well stocked (the Luna made sure it was, with three hungry male wolves in the house, who were also bigger than normal wolves since they were two Alphas and a Beta), but more the point of what could we rescue and use before Kilyan and Lucifer had already eaten it. They had one hell of an appetite and we had to work quickly before they had he chance to eat all the ingredients. In the end we had actually managed to pull of a full English breakfast, pancakes and some more tea. Satisfied with our work Luke and I called the other two back into the kitchen to eat; we had sent them away because of the reasons listed above and also because when they weren't eating the food away, they were standing in the way and because they were bigger than normal wolves they were also more of an obstacle. 

"We have food for those who want it!" I shouted over into the living room and seconds later, the two of them were sat at the table and piling food on their plates.

"It's as if they hadn't eaten for days." Luke joked as he took his place opposite of Kilyan.

"I know, poor babies." I cooed as I sat down next to him.

"We're no babiesh." Lucifer muttered around the piece of bacon in his mouth.

"Do not talk when you eat." I scolded and laughed at the dark glare he shot me.

"Just eat already, you fairy." He grumbled and turned back to devouring the food. 

"This is really good." Kilyan moaned and I laughed.

"My pleasure, sir." Bowing mockingly, he grinned and it felt almost normal- except for the fact that we were snowed in here for an unknown space of time.


"I'm bored!" I exclaimed as I lay on the couch, with my head dangling off it and my legs thrown over the backrest.

"Suck it up fairy. We're all bored." Not surprisingly Lucifer was ready with an answer.

"Why don't we do something together? It's so quiet." I whined and he appeared in front of me. "You look funny upside down." I laughed but he didn't find it too amusing, because he picked me up by the waist and threw me over his shoulders.

"Put me down! Put me down, Lucifer or I swear to the gods I will-!" 

"What? I can't hear you, there's this sound in my ear, like little bells. It's quite annoying to be honest." He laughed out loud and I could hear Kilyan moving down the stairs and Luke was in front of me.

"I will kill you, I swear!" And with that I started pounding my fists on his strong back. He only laughed louder. "Lucifer! Put me down!" I screeched and what did the big oaf do? He started spinning around. I screamed as he sped up and everything around me became blurry, so I wrapped my arms around his waist and held on tightly, burying my face in his back. I didn't even notice he had stopped until his laughter grew louder and Luke was tapping my shoulder. Carefully I let go of Lucifer and looked at him.

"Lucian, let her down." Kilyan laughed and finally I felt Lucifer lift me up and off his shoulder. He put me down  on the floor in front of him and let me go, but had to catch me before I fell to the floor because I was dizzy. 

"Don't you ever- ever do that again, do you understand?" I snapped and closed my eyes for a minute before opening them again to find myself looking at his broad chest. I looked up and saw a slight smile playing around his lips.

"Whatever you say, fairy." And with that he left to go and find Kilyan. 


"He is so infuriating." I complained to Luke as we sat in my aunt, the Luna's study. I knew Kilyan and Lucifer wouldn't come here, since they were strictly forbidden to enter her rooms, but I was allowed, I always had been. 

"I know, Ed. You've only told me ten times." 

"I'm sorry. So- how was your night?" I winked at him and he blushed a deep red.

"I- I don't know wh-what you mean." He stuttered.

"Oh you know exactly what I mean. Which bits do you remember? You fell asleep quite early." I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively and he hid his burning face in his hands.

"I remember falling asleep and... erm... somehow ending up in his lap? I think...? And then this morning. I was in his bed. Oh gods, Eddie, what if he hates me now?" 

"Don't you fret. He was the one who carried you to his bed." I smirked and his blush reached another level of red.If he wasn't careful there'd be smoke coming out his ear soon.

"He did what?" He whispered.

"Carried you. To his bed." I nodded, to which he hid his face again. He was the cutest person to tease. 

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