
386 16 31

POV - Mineta

I ran off with my girlfriend, back to the alleyway. I carefully placed her back into her usual spot in the alley. Trying to forget about Denki, I decided my girlfriend needed a name.

After a few hours I was still trying names with her.

"Oh! I got one! Ally", I could just tell by the look on her face, my girlfriend wanted to know the meaning.

"Well, I found you in an alleyway, and shorten that to alley, and it can make the name Ally!" I exclaimed. "You look excited too!" I smiled, going in for a kiss.

I lick my lips, "Mm, have you been using new chapstick?"

I kissed her again then started to walk back home, "Bye, Ally!"

Word Count: 124

Alleyway (mineta x trashbin)Where stories live. Discover now