First Meeting.. Or Is It?

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A/n: Requested by Hip-Hae

The sun was tempting to lay around in. Looking out of my window, I realized how sunlight deprived I was. Studying for my class was taking way too much of my time. I missed just lying around at the beach. And so, I was going to give in to my temptation.

"Mom! I'm going out. I need fresh air!" I grabbed my bag to stuff my things in- a towel, my phone, and sunscreen. Having my swimsuit underneath my clothes, I could just change there.

My mom's voice carried from the kitchen all the way to my bedroom. "You better be back at 7! I need help making dinner!"

"Alright!" Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I left my house and started to walk the long way to the bus stop.

As I strolled onto the main sidewalk, I grinned to myself. Finally, I can be free of my responsibilities for at least a few hours. With my homework sitting unfinished on my desk back at home, I can sit at the beach and pretend I don't have important things to do.


When I spotted the sandy hills and the blue ocean, I immediately knew I was home. Something about the beach made me feel at ease. Whether it was the gentle sound of waves caressing the shore, or the soft sand beneath my feet, or the waters lapping at my skin. All my stress was leaving my body as I pulled my clothes off and toed into the coolness. Shivering slightly, I slowly went in, completely intent on just wading and relaxing.

"Mommy! Look. I'm a dolphin!" With a large squawk that sounded like it belonged to a seagull more than a dolphin, a little boy splashed into the water right next to me, kicking up water like he was an erupting volcano.

All at my face. The water whacked me smack into my face, going into my nostrils, and I immediately knew my day was not going to be relaxing anymore. The kid, completely oblivious to the drenched girl next to me, shrilled in laughter as he splashed more water, making waves that further strayed me from relaxation.

The mom smiled at her son, praising him for swimming so well, and even though I was getting irritated, I still had to admit, the kid was cute when he obviously was enjoying himself. Smiling softly, I waded away from the mother and son and swam back to shore. With my brain circuited out from the insane studying I had to do back at home, I was glad to just soak up the sun anyways. Stumbling out of the water, I waddled back to where my belongings were.

As I laid across my beach towel, I leaned my hand against my forehead and felt myself once again relax and closed my eyes.

That is until I heard a whistle behind me.

"Dang girl! What are you doing all alone? Need some company?" Peeking with one eye, I spotted two guys walking towards me with grins. Clenching my fists, I turned my head again to completely ignore them.

"Oh, playing hard to get?"

Ignore them, ignore them, ignore them-

They sit next to me on my right.

"What's a pretty girl doing by herself?" I sat up because I no longer could ignore them.

I took a deep breath and smiled as widely as I could. Even if the dolphin-seagull boy was cute and I could excuse him for ruining my relaxation, I couldn't forgive the two guys who are now flirtingly looking over my figure.

"I was trying to take a break. Mind if you guys be polite and decent people and leave me alone?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Ah, we can't do that. We'd be missing out on what could be a great time," one of them flirted, winking (although the wink was more like an eye twitch of doom).

Kimetsu no Yaiba: Demon Slayer- Kamado Tanjiro One-shots Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora