Pack Lore - Solstice and Lunar

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Solstice; the wolf sister of the Sun... yes, she comes from different blood, but she is still family to Lunar. The two sisters were the first Guardians, controlling the elements of the sun and moon. As the power gets passed down, it grows stronger, able to defeat evil. Fate herself chooses the guardians, along with Savu, representing death along with evil, his power being Dark Moonlight. Such power shows through a mark, usually appearing on the forehead. The Lunar Mark - A crescent moon. The Solar Mark - A blazing sun. Cursed Mark - Three blue droplets. Wolves born with the cursed marks are usually exiled, their packmates believing they are truly cursed. A slight burning sensation will appear when/if you get your mark. Usually, only royalty gets it. 

[Shadowstorm - Lunar Mark

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[Shadowstorm - Lunar Mark. Moon Guardian]

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