Jay garrick: I think I might know a guy now his is kinda unconventional but he may get the job done

Barry: Who is he ?

Jay garrick: John Constantine he is a mage I met on my world but as you know I haven't met this world's John Constantine so that will be something to worry about

Amelia: if he can break this curse on me so I don't have to kill my brother I'll do anything

Barry: I'll go with her if it's true that he is unconventional that means he could also be dangerous she may need some help

Jay: I thought of that so I asked help from a friend of mine I met when I first got here

Barry: Who might that be

???: That would be me

Caitlin: well that's surprising dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne I never thought I would see you guys again last time you guys where in town Harry was throwing a gala

Bruce: that's actually very true how have you been Caitlin snow

Caitlin: pretty good other than what Jay has told you

Dick: well lucky for you I ran into John is bludhaven
He told me he would be coming to central city to track a guy he has been hunting for quite some time I told him to meet up when he gets there that will be your chance to talk to him

Barry: well ok then

Bruce: don't worry flash your safe around us

Barry: wait how did u know I was ...... I never started calling myself that

Bruce: maybe the city agrees cause that's what they call you as well as for how I know let's just say. I make it my business to know these things

Just know I'm a ally I got your back

Barry: ok then

So what's the plan

Bruce: so the plan is Amelia and I will go meet Constantine while you and dick will wait from up above so we have a good birds eye - view

Barry: alright cool but seriously what are two rich dudes gonna do

Dick: trust me don't judge a book by its cover Mr.Allen
We will be ready when the time comes

Barry: that don't sound that re assuring but I'll take your world for it

Caitlin: barebear can we go in hungry

Barry: yes of course let's go

Caitlin: I'm driving tho I don't wanna mess up my hair

Barry: ok Caitlin that's fine with me let's go

Caitlin: *Grabs Barry's arm* Bye guys we will see you later

Dick: do they do that often?

Cisco: snowbarry does what snowbarry does we don't question this

Bruce: *raises an eyebrow* snowbarry?

Cisco: don't judge me Bruce I'm not the one that dresses like a bat

Bruce: *growls*

Cisco: don't growl at me I know my way around a computer it's not hard to hack a computer or to don't worry I'm not gonna tell anybody as you see I keep Barry's secret

Dick: he kinda got you there Bruce

Bruce: we will see about that

Dick: well imma go to the hideout in central city see you tomorrow everyone

Bruce: I got work to do

Cicso: he bout to run around the city in a bat suit oh God Joe is gonna have a headache

Dick: speaking of joe I have to go see him do you know where he is

Cisco: central city precinct I believe I'm not sure

Dick: I'll check there first

Amelia: let me go with you

Cisco: whoa whoa whoa slow down sis don't start liking the help

Amelia: haha funny big bro still going

Dick: don't worry Cisco I'll be good

Amelia: I won't *smiles*


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