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Again, please do not use the characters in the images without my permission. (I lost screenshots. Annoying.).

The next morning, I woke to a knock on the door. I bolted awake, as that sometimes happens. I opened the door after getting dressed quickly. Outside it stood Oin, the healer I remembered. I calmed my breathing, then said cheerfully "Good morning! How'd you sleep?" Oin stared at me. "Lass, be you alright? You was breathing quickly when you opened the door." "A nervous reflex I sometimes have. You happened to see the tail end of it." I replied without missing a beat. "Now come! We have a trip to get onto, do we not? And I still have to speak to Thorin.' I added silently to myself.

Oin nodded. "But first, I have to ask you some questions. First, will you be needing anything for yer monthly cycle?" I shook my head. "Age?" "I very much prefer not to share that. Otherwise you'll see me differently then how you do now." "Race?" I looked at him in strangely. "I'm afraid I can't disclose that." I said. "With luck, you'll find out in time." I skipped by him, not letting him ask any further questions.

Little did I know, Oin looked after me with a puzzled look. 'How can someone who acts completely cold in one instance act like a carefree child the next?' He wondered. He went to go tell Gandalf.

Meanwhile I found Starlight, and hopped onto her. She was a fairly good horse, and incredibly intelligent. I wouldn't give her up for the world. I had found her as a colt, half-beaten to death in the hands of a greedy horse seller. I had used one of my forms to scare him into giving his horses to another buyer/seller, and as payment for doing so I could choose one of the horses. I chose Starlight, and she had been loyal to me ever since. I never used a saddle, bit, bridle or anything else. I saw no reason to do so. She trusted me, and I treasured that.

Once we got on the road, Thorin looked at me questioningly. "We have a special trust. I'm warning you now, you best let her be, or she will bite." I said. Thorin nodded. "Moving on. What did you want to talk to me about last night?" Thorin just stared straight ahead. "It was that STUPID BET." he growled underneath his breath. "The one that Fili and Kili placed on us?" He nodded. "Oh, how DELIGHTFUL." I said with heavy sarcasm. "I'll be right back." Thorin glanced at me sideways. "Don't kill them." "Fine."

I slowed Starlight enough to walk beside the brothers, and said "So, Fili, Kili. You're about to regret asking me that question last night." They looked at each other in fear. "RUN." I growled. They sent their ponies into a gallop. I gave chase, with Starlight easily keeping up. Eventually the ponies slowed down, and I launched myself off of Starlight's back and knocked the two off their ponies in one clean shot. I then proceeded to give them several minor injuries and bruises. I didn't break any bones though. "NEVER make Thorin do a dumb bet again, or I will dismantle you." I growled in their ears. I stood up. "Now, let's get back to the company. Ride your horses at a trot so that you'll catch up." And with that, I swing back up onto Starlight and rode back to the group.

I trotted up next to Thorin. "Done." I said rather cheerfully. The others looked at me in mild fear, although a few were heartily laughing. Thorin was doubled over in the saddle laughing. I startled giggling like mad. Eventually it burst out into full-out laughter. I have been told that my laugh is a wonderful sound to hear. I wasn't realizing that Thorin had stopped laughing, and had frozen. Eventually I calmed down enough to where I was just giggling, and noticed that Thorin sat in silence.

I started feeling insecure, so I nudged Starlight to go a little bit faster. Once
I felt that I was far enough to be safe, I slowed Starlight down to her original pace. I stared at nothing in particular, and started singing without realizing it. I didn't brag about my singing, but secretly I thought I was pretty good. I was shy when singing around others though. For a while I just sat and sang, forgetting the world around me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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