unrevealed love

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chapter 1

i don't know what it is about her but to me she is perfect. when she comes to talk to me i get butterflies. i wish i could tell her how i actually feel but its kind of weird. last year i had the chance to have her to my self and i blew it. i was in an extremely complicated relationship as it was and i wasn't ready to take on what was heading my way. i wish i knew what she was thinking about me or what she felt towards me. i wish the feeling were mutual but i don't think she sees me the way i see her.

my names amber and i think I'm in love with my best friend. last year when Katie told me she loved me i didn't think anything of it. but its not every day your best friend tells you that she not only loves you but that shes in love with you. i could have had her but i was with josh and i thought he loved me but that wasn't the case he had been cheating on me for two weeks already and i was done with him. and Adrian... oh Adrian... he had made things a lot worse for the both of us. but Katie she was an angel! with her blond hair, green eyes and that bombshell body of hers! she was B-E-A-UTIFUL! i don't have a clue how she managed to stay single but she did. i couldn't figure out what it was about her but i wanted her. i wanted her to be mine.

the butterflies had started and i couldnt understand why. i had been so excited for sophmore year i couldnt be getting nervous already on my first day. then it hit me. literally! katie had jumped on me and wraped me in a big hug. i couldnt do anything but breathe in her scent. she was already talking a mile a minute goodness i didnt realize how much i had missed that.

"amber!!! i missed you so much! you didnt keep in touch over the summer! what happend? is everything allright??"

taking a deep breath while reluctantly letting her go i tried to clam my nerves.

"ive been so busy i just didnt have time. im really sorry. maybe i can make it up to you this year?" hopinh she would catch on but instead she just disapperaed. sadness had filled my heart and i couldnt figure out why. one moment i was soo happy then so sad. then i saw who she had run t. a guy. well there goes my luck. she came running down the hall pulling the guy with her. they stoped and she gave him a kiss on the cheek and she said in one breath

"amber this is alex. alex this is amber. hmmmm...... my best friend and my boy friend...' ~ well that would be just my luck ~ 'i hope you two get along."



so this is my first story and im kind of nervous i hope people like it and will read it :)

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