part 4

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"Corrie your a very lucky guy." Holding my hand out to Kegan. But instead of shaking it he lifts it to his lips kissing it as if its an everyday thing for him. "Hi... *giggles* I'm Amber..." Looking away shyly giggling to my self as he spoke.

"Amber..." He paused as if thinking of something to say. "What a pretty name... Matches that pretty faces of yours." Tapping me on the nose as he finished. I couldn't help but blush. As a giggle slipped from my lips, so did the sound of disgust coming from Corrie. Oh boy... He was getting jealous. But to my defence Kegan was charming and Corrie knew I was a flirt.

"So Corrie! How was your summer?" Snapping out of his daze Corrie looked at Krista. While Krista flashed me a smile. Thank god. She saved me. Corrie flashed me a dirty look and went on talking to Krista. Leaving me out of the conversation completely.

I went to sit on the steps when I looked back Kegan was following me. Resting his hand on my shoulder he sat next to me. Looking uo to see Corrie's eyes burning holes into my chest. I shrugged his hand off. I looked into those blue eyes of his and said, "Corrie's jealous and doesn't want you near me. Maybe you should go stand with them and get to know Krista."

He looked down inching his hand closer to the small of my back. "Corrie isn't the boss of you nor the boss of me. I'll do WHAT I want and you can do what you want."

Sighing I closed my eyes and rested my head on the step up a couple. Kegan followed. I felt a body hovering over me. Thinking it was Krista I said, "If your gonna be that close you might as well kiss me."

"Are you sure that's what you want?"

Automatically my eyes shot open realization hit like a train wreck. Oh my!! Did i really just tell him to do that? Just as I was going to push him away I looked at Corrie. Then he looked up. Rage filled his eyes.

"What the hell are you two doing?!?!" His face was red he was beyond pissed. "Amber you're supposed to be my bestfriend! Kegan! Why? I thought you actually loved me I never in a million years would think either of you would do something so horrible!" With that he stormed off.

Feeling really bad I looked at Kegan wondering why he had done that. Not realizing I had said it out loud Kegan responded.

"I thought you needed it... I couldn't resist plus you told me to. I'm sorry I didn't mean to start any trouble... Your so pretty..."

Looking down I could see I hurt his feelings.

"Listen I didn't mean it that way and when I said that I thought you were somebody else. But right now we nee to go find Corrie before he freaks out to bad. You can either coke with or stay here I don't care but I'm leaving." And with that I got up and walked uo the stairs. Knowing a general idea of where Krista and Corrie were headed. Their homeroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2013 ⏰

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