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It was like any other day spring day. Rainy and gloomy.

Other people would pronounce those words with a sad tone in their voice, I on the other hand say them with joy.

'Depressed' weather always was the way to go. I enjoy the sound that the rain makes when the drops fall to the ground.

I enjoy the smell when it stops raining. Ahh it's so refreshing.

As I slowly stretch out of bed I turn my head to the clock that's on my side table

"Shoot I'm going to be late, not again"

Recently my sleep schedule has been a bit, crazy. I have been binge watching the avatar on Netflix, but can you blame me.

As I approach the front entrance I notice that I am already 30 minutes late to first hour, might as well not care at this point.

As I am walking through the halls with bags under my eyes, with glasses on top hoping they will make them less noticeable, I see a couple making out in front of my locker.

'Ugh you have got to be kidding' I thought to my self

As I'm walking closer I avoid eye contact with the two parasites that are currently swallowing each other's faces and continue to open my locker with them still against it moving them with it.

They give me dirt looks then continue their session.

'Couples these days don't know when and where it's appropriate to do that kinda stuff' I though to my self again

As I walk up to my chem room I notice everyone in their white coats working on a lab.

"Oh shot that's today" I mumbled remembering the lab that would eventually turn into a test later on

I try my best to slowly open the door with out making any noise, but with my luck today that did not go out as planned

It's like I'm opening the loudest door in the world at 3 am.

With my sudden appearance everyone turned to me. I hate being center of attention.

I gave my teacher my late slip without any word. He's pretty cool. So hopefully he will let it slide...

"Excuse me, why are you late today Y/n?"

"I over slept"

"That's no excuse to be late, especially on a lab day"

"It's not an excuse, it's what happened. Anyways I can.."

"I don't want to hear any more of it. You know the rules. You can't make up lab day. You will have to get the information from someone's notes. Now go sit down and try to catch up on what you can"

'Bitch' I mumble to myself. I take back on the, he's a cool teacher, part

"Why where you late?"

"Netflix" i say as I slightly bang my head on the long black table

"What show?"

"Avatar" I say with a happy expression on my face

"Omg avatar!? That show is so good. But I have to say, if I had the chance I would beat up Sokka" he said with a serious expression

"Woah Woah, what did Sokka ever do to you?" I say in a defensive tone

"My guy is a bit irritating"

"Hey dONT say that about him. He's one of the best characters. Now Katara, she's irritating. Just like you"

"Nah she's like you, EXACTLY like you."

"What ever I'm-"

I am cut off my you guessed it

"Y/n, Eric, less talking more working. Y/n, you are behind"

"Oh my gosh, just run me over already. He's giving me a headache" I whine

"That can be arranged"


Lunch, finally a time with out teachers. Today's isn't the best day. That's for sure. At all

It's started out good, then it went down hill. Down a very steep and long hill.

"What's wrong y/n?"

"Rough day" I look at her with a slight sad face

"Oh. Ou i know what you need, coffee" she said with a smile

"Coffe, really? That's supposed to cheer me up. A drink?" I say with an odd expression on my face

"Yes, yes it is. Hold on"

I see Chae grab out her phone.

I got a beep on mine, it's from a group chat with everyone of my close friends. It's called, 'stan Beyoncé for clear skin and good grades' don't ask. Kevin named it

Chae (text):
Hey Eric, can I add something to my order?

Eric (text):
Uh yeah sure. I'm ordering online so hurry

Chae (text):
Okay can I have one medium iced caramel macchiato. Please

Eric (text):
Okay. How do you spell that?

We all look up at our phones and laugh for a bit

Y/n (text):
How slow are you

Jeongin (text):
Dude, you are texting. READ IT.

I just realized something.

'Hey where's Jeongin?"

"You mean your boyfriend" he teased

"Shut up"

Just then joy lightly hit him

"Thank you" I say to joy

"Woah. I make one comment and now I'm being attacked" he whined

"You havent been attacked in a while"

Jeongin was more than a friend to me. Well more than a friend but less than a boy.. friend.

Kind of like a really really close best friend, one who I continuously flirt with. One who I act all lovey dovey with. It at least that's how I see him

Who knows how he sees me. A girl that he could never escape. A girl who always acts all wxksufgl around him. Yeah. That's me

I like Jeongin. Like, really like him. It's just. I'm scared. Scared to tell him. Scared to mess up what we have. What I have.

It's all complicated, in my mind. I swear in his boy brain, he wouldn't even have thought of the word 'like' and 'y/n' in the same sentence

"Hello" I see a hand waving in front of me

"Oh, sorry. What's up"

"I was just saying that Jeongin has an extra piano lesson for jazz today. He's in the music room"

"Oh okay thanks" I smile to Kevin

I have always liked you-  Short Jeongin FFWhere stories live. Discover now