Part 2...

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Kota said when he get back from work but the same thing happened, no reply, he sighed and go to his room, as he expected, his beautiful wife was sleeping soundly, he sighed again and get closer to her and kiss her forehead.

"Sleep well".

He said and go to take a bath and change his clothes, it's become a rotten for him, it's been nine months now when she last told him that she is pregnant, she still wake up in the middle of the night and sleep in the morning till the next day in the midnight, Kei never do anything for her husband, whenever she want to cook she start throwing up because of the smell, and when she do any house activity she feel dizzy and faint, so Kota never let her do anything except sleeping for the whole day.

He finish his work and looked at the time, it was 12:37 am, he yawn and go to sleep, he looked at Kei sleepy face and tilt his head, he open the light to see her clearly.

"Honey?!". Kota call her softly.

"Humm~". She response to him annoyingly.

"Honey are you ok?!". Kota said and she tried to open her eyes to see him.

"I Will be if you close the light and let me sleep!!". She said angrily.

"No you look so pale and sweating a lot! Do you feel anything?!". Kota said worriedly.

"I Feel Sleepy!! Let me Sleep! Now Clo---Ah!". She gasped and Kota looked at her.

"H-Honey?!". Kei looked at him.

"....Nothing serious, close the light ". Kei said and Kota sighed.

"Ok, good night ". He close the light and lay next to her, but after minutes.

"Ahh!!". Kota open his eyes and the light.


"I-I think it's---Ahh!". Kei gasped again when she felt the pain again.

"K-KOTA!!". She shout and he get up panicky as he understand the situation, he carry her and she grap his hair.

"Ittai Honey not my Hair!!". Kota said and she screamed.


He put her in the car and start driving as fast as he could to the hospital, in the way, she never stop screaming and panting heavily while he trying his best to calm her and focus in the road, the doctors take her immediately when they arrived and Kota tell them, After one hour, Kota can hear a baby crying and his tears fall of happiness, the door opened and the nurse get out with the baby.

"Congratulations, it's a handsome healthy boy". Kota take the baby and tilt his head.

"Boy? Are you sure?! He looks like a Pretty girl?! ". Kota said and the nurse chuckle.

"I know, that what we said first too, but no, it's a boy".

"How is my wife? Can I see her??!". Kota said and the nurse just smile to him.

"Well....She is sleeping now, let her rest for today ".

"She was sleeping for the whole day and now she is sleeping too!! I want to Kiss her at lest!! ". Kota said annoyingly and the nurse laugh at him.

"Did you though of the name?!". Kota looked at the baby and shake his head.

"No, I don't know when my Wife will wake up but...I will wait for her". Kota said and the nurse nodded and take the baby from him.

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