The prince was very fond of his feet and new money was printed with his image: he was lying on the king bed and his feet were bare.

The prince also loved to walk around the palace in black transparent stockings. This gave him the ability to collect energy from those who looked at his feet.

The prince wanted more power and he came to the new wrestling competition to fight the champion of last year. No one knew that the champion had slept under the prince feet last night and that his strength had diminished to the level of a 5 year old. The crowd thought that the champion would defeat the prince, because the prince was a little chubby and did not look strong. The champion began to try to overwhelm Prince Eric, but he did not have the strength. And then the prince simply knocked him down on soft mats and ordered him to kiss his foot in full view. The crowd of spectators gave the prince strength and his feet captured even more energy. The champion kissed the prince's foot in an expensive stocking and the 16-year-old prince put his flawless soles on the loser.

The girls always liked the prince and they were at his feet without resistance, but the guys who knew that their girls were with the prince were very angry. Not all the guys were at the feet of the prince, so they were angry with him, because he was stealing their love. Often they united in revolutionary circles, they drank beer and thought about how to take revenge on the sexy young ruler.
One of the revolutionaries, Marat, offered to tickle the feet of the insolent prince in order to take revenge. Of course, they were afraid of both the prince and his guards, but they whispered about plans to invade the palace.

Marat most of all hated the prince's feet because, in fact, he envied him. The prince took his girlfriend right from the wedding. Marat was a physically strong young man, he was much stronger than the prince, but the guards took his girlfriend away and he could not do anything. And now he was drinking beer in a cheap bar and wondering how to get into the chambers of the hated prince. Meanwhile, the prince was feasting and eating the most delicious ice cream from foreign countries, and another cute girl was kissing his ear.

The prince was a little drunk and very excited, he went out for a breath of fresh air and saw a group of revolutionaries led by Marat behind the fence. The prince called the guards and they just chased them off. But the night has come. The window was open, the prince was already beginning to fall asleep, and the impudent revolutionary entered the prince's chambers. The girl slept very soundly next to Eric, Marat's hatred enveloped his athletic body. The prince was chubby and seemed vulnerable. Marat began to stretch his fingers in order to grab Eric by the heels under the covers, but then his left foot appeared from under the covers.

Only this saved the prince, because his foot had tremendous sexual energy and subordinated people to his will.

Marat fell to his knees and woke up the prince

The plump prince was terribly frightened why that stranger was in the dark. Who is this and why is he here. The prince began to call the guards.

The guards took Marat to a comfortable prison, and the prince suddenly realized that the black sphere had saved him from attack. The prince was worried, he knew that his feet could bring anyone to their knees, but they were covered with a blanket during the attack of a revolutionary, and only the sphere saw and gave a signal to expose his heels in order to neutralize Marat. It turns out that the magic of the court wizard saved him, but the wizard himself was retired and now lived in a dark forest. The chubby prince understood that he could hardly sleep without his favorite blanket and needed to talk with the wizard so that he could put a dark sphere on the palace. But if he does, then gossip about his weakness can go, and he could not allow this. 

The plump prince was furious. If the revolutionary had grabbed the prince's feet under the blanket, no one knows how it would have ended. The fear went into Eric's beautiful heels and it was necessary for the girls to kiss his heels for the fear to go away.

The prince immediately remembered his retired wizard. Interestingly, he came up with this black sphere that protected the royal feet. But turning to him means admitting your insecurity and cowardice. Of course Prince Eric was a coward but he never admitted it. His humiliation of the common people was compensation for his cowardice. But it was exciting.

Most of all, the prince was afraid of revenge, so he crushed the people under his feet and towered above everyone. So he tickled the revolutionaries and increased his magic. Now he summoned his new slave from the lands of Scardia and ordered him to buy a magic ring for his royal toes. He simply couldn't sleep because of his worry about his precious feet.

Therefore, in order to restore his strength, he had to sleep with 10 virgins.

It was simple, virgins kissed the prince on his plump tummy and washed his heels, some girls had suitors who watched the prince have fun. The prince regained his strength in 2 nights and now his feet were ready to continue trampling this country.

Scardia is a pseudo-democratic country where all decisions were made at a general meeting, and the new slave Robert was captured as a military spy from this country. Of course he was under the power of my feet because he slept at my beautiful feet. I hoped that he would quickly rush to his master and put on the ring of strength and power on his knees.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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