Parental Goals [3]

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"You two should got get some rest, school tomorrow." She ended and while Peter nodded and made his way for the door, Sapphire stopped and gave Natasha a big hug. "I know this is hard for you because you have vivid memories of her even if they were short lived. I want you to know that you're doing a good job, mom. I know that Nor would be so happy to see you again and to tell you in person how she feels." Then they both paused.

How did she know that Natasha was thinking about telling Normani her true feelings? "Sapphire, how did you know..."

"I don't know." She said, starting to panic. "I just...I just looked at you and saw all that pain and heartache and then I just...saw what you were thinking like your thoughts popped into my head." She described. After a brief second of freaking out and being confused Sapphire jumped up and down in happiness. "What happened?" Peter smiled. "I-I think my mom's super genes transferred over to me, I think I have powers!" She squealed. "Woah, woah, woah." Nat paused. "Let's calm down, you were an extremely intelligent baby, Saph maybe you just read my expression." The spy put out there.

But Sapphire didn't believe that, she had felt Natasha's thoughts. "Yeah, I read your expression and then you're expression turned into actual thoughts, mom! I read your mind, I can read minds!" She jumped up and down. Natasha was about to say something else but decided to have that conversation with an adult. "Okay, we'll figure this out later you two need to go to bed" She instructed.

The two teens walked off and once she saw that they were out of ear shot she broke down. One tear turned into a thousand as her mascara ran down her pale cheeks. She took the bobby pins out her red hair and let it fall messily on her tired shoulders. Why? Why did it have to be Nor? She had purposely not let anyone else truly see into her because she didn't want to be put in a position where she'd have to choose or in Normani's case, loose them. But Normani was different in the way that she felt like she could open herself up to her even though she barely knew her, even though they were totally different people from completely different backgrounds and ways of life. Normani had a kid, Natasha was sterile. Natasha had dreams of furthering her career and retiring from SHIELD as it's chief executive. Normani had dreams of having more kids and getting married and settling down and retiring together, with someone she loved.

They were incompatible, but somehow they were a match made in Heaven. "The spy cries?" A familiar voice asked. Natasha turned around, Sam Wilson was standing there in the doorway. "Surprised?" She asked, trying frantically to wipe her tears but Sam stopped her. "Don't, it's okay to have any type of emotion, Romanoff." He added. Nat felt uncomfortable but she continued to cry a little. "You wanna tell me whats wrong?" He asked.

The spy paused her sobs for a second before deciding that he might be the right person to ask about Sapphire's powers to.

"Sapphire...I raised her for most of her life, she calls me her mom sometimes." She started. Sam had taken a seat next to her on one of the numerous barstools. "Go on." He encouraged. "Well, she might have some sort of super power, she can read peoples thoughts, expressions, minds. And that's scary because I work so hard trying to keep all of this," She said, gesturing to her face full of mascara and tears. "To myself and deep inside locked away so that no one else has to feel bad for me. But now, the one person that I have to keep looking okay for has the power to just look at me and find out what's really wrong." The red head finished.

Sam pursed his lips and stayed silent, which prompted Nat to laugh nervously. "Sorry." She said. Sam shook his head. "No I'm just...thinking." He said. A moment later he spoke again. "When I first met you, Natasha Romanoff, you were the type of girl that got shit done and that was that, nothing really else to it. But over the numerous years that I've worked with you I got the chance to see the other sides of the spy. You speak numerous languages, you can cook a mean spaghetti, you can never truly decide if you like your hair short or long and you trust us." Nat pursed her lips, trying to see where this was going. "But you never let anyone else see the other sides of you that you didn't want them to. Then you met someone and that someone changed you and sadly you lost someone but you couldn't close up again because that someone told you to raise her daughter so you unlocked another side of you and that is the Natasha that you are trying to hide again. The side that cares." Sam concluded.

"I know the real reason you don't want Sapphire to have powers, it's because if she does, then that means there's one more thing you have to take care of, one more thing that might cause you to loose her." And that was it, Sam was right. Normani was given abilities and they cost her her life, now that Sapphire has them, what if someone else decides that they wanna stick a thousand needles into her body one at a time and even if one is removed then Sapphire will explode into a million tiny fragments. So yes, that was one more thing the spy had to worry about because she couldn't loos anyone else especially not the one person that Normani asked her to keep safe.

"Just keep doing what your doing because its working. Sapphire's a good kid and she's surrounded by good people. As for the power thing, I think I'm one of the only people here that'll tell you that it's not right to not let her explore on her own. Shes gonna get in trouble and she's going to have to get herself out of it or she's going to call you and that's just part of being a parent." With that, Sam smiled weakly before patting Nat on the back and walked away.

He was right, it was part of being a parent and somehow she just knew that despite what Normani went through because of her powers, she'd still want her daughter to embrace hers. But now, it was time to start developing a plan because there was no way in hell Natasha would go another year without her lover by her side.

It was time to break Normani free.

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