Gay Smut

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I don't have a dick and never will have a dick. I haven't even seen a dick. And somehow I ended up writing fanfiction on wattpad that is very, very graphic and includes several of them. What the fuck is wrong with my 17 y/o ass.

I honestly like writing it though, which I think it the weirdest part.

It's honestly really fun. Coming up with the plot lines can be really enjoyable and, depending on my mood, the writing can be even more enjoyable.

The thing is, I only know what I know about gay sex from other smutty fanfics on here and actual gay porn which in all actuality is not very realistic. In reality there is so much prep for gay sex and yet I write about it like it's just oop yeah stick it in a da ass *moans.*

With gay sex, you actually gotta douche first, and wash your asshole really well. And when bottoming for the first time it can actually be REALLY, REALLY painful. I mean getting ones asshole stretched generally seems pretty painful but like, with a whole DICK? That just seems intense to me. They got a prostate tho so it's not like they're stickin the dick in there for no reason I guess.

I'm not a man, I don't have a dick, nor will I ever agree to take it in the ass. However, that will not stop me from writing smutty fanfiction and continuing to write smutty fanfiction. Thank you.

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