Not gonna lie, I was a little scared by how he said it so seriously....also a little flattered. I laughed, "No, I think we're good considering we're at his house."

"Well that just makes it easier for me if he hurts you."

I turned to Braden, "You know, when I first met you I thought you were a jerk." I informed him, "but now--"

"--Now you realize I'm a jerk with a heart." Braden cut me off.

"Yeah." I laughed. I turned to face him. "I'm really glad you came to visit this summer, Braden."

Braden smiled at me, "Me too."

"And don't worry. There are still plenty of embarrassing stories about me that I can tell you."  I joked. "And there are definatley more to come. I promise."

Braden laughed at me.

"Look who was in the neighborhood!" Someone yelled over the microphone. "Some of Lenny's friends from the old J. Geils Band!" A song that dad likes to listen to a lot started to play live.

Everyone started to clap along to the beat. The song brought back old memories of dad and I dancing through the house while listening too it. About half way through the song dad came over and started dancing with Braden and I. 

The second song the band started to play didn't sound familiar, but we kept dancing to it anyway.

I noticed one of the cops that dropped Braden off at the house today standing on the roof wearing skis. He had a gun in one of his hands.

He shouted, "I am the law!" He started shooting the gun in the sky while he slid down the roof on the skis. He belly flopped into the pool. 

"Ouch." I cringed for him. Then I cheered when he came back up to the surface. I mean, man, he took that like a Champ!

The other police officer, the really tall one, was on the diving board when he yelled, "Can you dig it?!" But when he went to jump on the diving board, the board broke out of the ground and fell into the pool. Taking a Chuck of concrete with it.

"No way!" I gasped in shock. 

The officer sighed in relief and it was pretty obvious he was peeing.

"Come on, big man. Lenny's got, like, twelve bathrooms." My dad said.

"Thirteen." I corrected. Dad pointed to me as if to say 'point and case.'

"I don't got to go to the bathroom. I'm just enjoying the water." He smiled. The chemicals in the pool around him started to turn a dark shade of blue. All the other people in the pool started to scream as they tried to get out of the water. The blue chemicals were growing fast and spreading throughout the whole pool.

​​​​​​We went back to the music and started to dance around again. Braden dragged me all over until he suddenly stopped.

"It's Greg." 

I had forgotten all about Greg while we were dancing.

"Where?" I turned to look.

"There." He pointed.

I looked to see Greg just notice me. He pulled down the sun glasses he was wearing to get a better look at me. I smiled real big when I saw the smile on his face.

"I'll leave you two to it then." Braden said walking away. I barely even noticed. 

I started walking towards him at the same time he did. He tripped over a cord on his way over. The cord came undone and all the music stopped.

Abigail Higgins ||Grown Ups||Where stories live. Discover now