Chapter 5

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After the craziness had died down, the guys were celebrating a little. Most of them already had a beer in their systems.
(Y/n) had been questioning Connie, getting valuable intell from her. She walks into the office, sees Flip and Ron talking and drinking. She sits next to Flip, "Hey, what are you two up to?"
Flip takes a drag of his cigarette, "Just celebrating, join us."
(Y/n) smiles, "Sure, I'll have one drink."

The next morning (Y/n), Flip, and Ron are summoned to Chief Bridges' office. Bridges looks at the three of them, "All evidence of this investigation needs to be destroyed. We can't have this getting out."
Flip was pissed off, "Fuck this." He walks out of the room.
(Y/n) looks at Chief Bridges, "This is wrong, so fucking wrong." She follows Flip, to make sure he's okay.
She finds Flip sitting on the front steps of the precinct. (Y/n) sits next to Flip, gently rubs his back, "Hey."
Flip glances at her, then stares at his hands, "It's all over, all we got was Connie on murder charges!" He takes off the wedding ring, plays with it, "It's over." As much as he loves her, he knows their relationship was part of the job, and he doubts that she wants him.
(Y/n) gently rubs his back, then softly plays with his hair, "It's okay, we'll have another investigation."
Flip blurts out, "Not another where I'll get to be with you."
(Y/n) giggles softly, "Of course we'll be working together, why wouldn't we be?" She didn't want to assume things.
Flip shakes his head, looks at her, "Part of me wanted to keep up this investigation, so I get to hold and kiss you in public."
(Y/n) blushes and gently touches the wedding ring, "You don't have to stop kissing me." Flip grins and kisses her deeply and passionately. She giggles into the kiss, cupping his cheek in her hand.
Slowly pulling back, Flip grins, he can't stop grinning. He kisses her temple, "I love you, (Y/n)."
(Y/n) smiles and blushes even more, "I love you too." They hear kissy sounds from the building and (Y/n) laughs, "We're never going to hear the end of that."
Flip smiles and stands up, helps (Y/n) to her feet, gently steals a kiss. She kisses back, holds his hand. Flip chuckles, "I think we'll be able to handle it."

*Five years later*
Flip's sitting at his desk, before he knows what's happening, a little head with long dark brown hair is bouncing next to him. He sees his 18 month old daughter standing there, trying to get his attention. He chuckles and picks her up, "Mel, where's your momma?" He kisses her chubby cheeks and sets her on his lap.
Melanie giggles and points to (Y/n), who's coming in after Melanie. (Y/n) sees Flip and Melanie, she kisses Flip, "Hey love, she ran off, sneaky girl."
Flip kisses back and smiles, "What are my two favorite girls doing here?"
Melanie grabs at her daddy's facial hair, he winces and gently removes her hand, kisses her tiny palm. She giggles, "Momma, me, you, food!"
(Y/n) giggles, "We want to take you out for lunch." She gently picks up Melanie, tickles her belly. Melanie laughs and wiggles.
Flip stands up, "Lunch with my girls, sounds amazing." He grabs his wallet and car keys, walks with (Y/n) and Melanie to his car.

At the diner, the family of three enjoy their meal.
Walter walks up to them, "Hey."
Flip looks at Walter, "Hello."
Walter chuckles, "You really fucked up my chapter of the organization, you know what?!"
Flip chuckles, "If we're going to hash this out, I'd rather not do it in front of my wife and daughter." He wasn't afraid of Walter in the slightest.
Melanie looks at Walter, "No, you go now." She smiles at her daddy, giggles.
(Y/n) giggles and kisses Melanie's head, "That's my girl."
Flip chuckles and Walter just walks away, angry.

-The End-

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