I smell food

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It was a nice Saturday morning in Toronto, Loki was wandering the streets in search of food. It wasn't for him, rather the woman that held his affection. He knew how much she needed nourishment, recalling the time yesterday in the shower. He couldn't help but worry about her health.

He settled on getting a few groceries, eggs, bread, pancake mix. He made sure to grab blue berries as well. He somehow paid for the groceries- and by paid, he just fucking bamboozled the shit outta the cashier. As soon as Loki disappeared, the money he had given the worker had as well.

When he returned to Onyx's motel room, she was still dead asleep, covered by several fluffy blankets and surrounded by pillows.

Loki took a moment to admire the girl, staring for probably a moment too long before setting the groceries down on the kitchenette counter. He began to prep the stove for cooking.

It took a few minutes, but the smell of pancakes cooking and the sound of eggs sizzling in the pan woke the sleeping girl up easily. She sits up, her eyes barely open and her hair crazier than a certain unnamed extra ugly avocado.

"Foood..." She groaned out, her voice similar to a zombie. "I smell food!" She gets out of bed, running to the male who stood at the stove. "Loki give me the food!" She was practically drooling.

Loki couldn't help but smile, "I could." He started, flipping a pancake, "But I want something in return." He finished, placing the fluffy pancake on a paper plate.

"Anything my Lord!" She jokes, bowing deeply. "Shall I fetch you your crown, or polish your shoes?" She says in a posh British accent, giggling the whole time.

He rolled his eyes, smiling slightly as she went on. "No, just come to the Avengers tower." With those words she paused.

"Tower?!" She exclaimed, her eyes wide as she takes the pancake, taking a bite. "And the Avengers?! So Fury got his plans to work?" She spoke, chewing her food and swallowing at the same time.

Loki didn't mind her lack of manners. He found it slightly endearing that she was so casual around him. He finished another pancake, this one having blueberries mixed into the batter. He took the pan over and placed the circle of heaven on her plate. She gasped and instantly dug in.

As he began cleaning up the mess, he recalled his first meeting with her. It was up in northern Canada, he met her. She was a mess, if he had to be honest, but the fact that she wasn't dead had to mean something. Loki on the other hand had his stomach cut open. He had just escaped from a dangerous situation, and didn't have time to think of where he was going to appear.

Onyx had been in the wild for a few years at this time. She made a small camp out in the deep tundra. It wasn't much but it definitely felt like a home. She had noticed the injured male right before he collapsed.

Of course Onyx would help the stranger, that was just how she was. She dragged him inside, he was lighter than she expected. She settled him down on her makeshift cot, and kneeled down.

She pulled her hair out of her face and began taking his top off. She struggled slightly, not used to the many latches and buckles of regular clothes. She decides to simply cut it off, not willing to waste any more time.

She used the ripped clothing to wipe up the blood, dipping it in some melted snow to wash the blood away. She observed the wound, her brows furrowing as she runs a thumb along the laceration, biting her lip in focus. The most she could do is seal it tight with ice, she knew that he wouldnt get any adverse effects from the cold, seeing as he made it out far enough to her. She placed a hand on the cut, ice forming over the wound, as if it were crystalizing it. She sealed the blood from escaping any more, taking a deep breath as she finally gets to look at the male.

She had to resist the urge to touch his hair, it looked so soft. She wanted to run her hands through it for hours. Her eyes moved down to his face, following the line of his jaw, to his lips. She licked her own lips absentmindedly. His chest was far more defined than she had thought before. She stopped herself from staring anymore, feeling like a creep.

Only a few minutes passed, Onyx had busied herself with her tools, sharpening her handmade axe, and Loki woke up. He sat upright, pulling Onyx's attention. "Hey! Be careful." She states, "Ég er ekki með læknispróf**" she mumbled. His eyes widened slightly, but he masked his surprise with a smirk.

"Well, what do I owe the pleasure" he feigned confidence. It was hard to express how well he could pretend.

The female rolled her eyes. "Well, you kinda just dropped down in front of my home, bleeding and everything." She muttered, folding her arms into her chest.


Onyx was stuffed, watching Loki clean up. She had remembered last night, how Loki invited himself into her shower.

Her face flushed as she thought about the scenario. Her dead tired attitude was downright humiliating. Even if they wouldn't have done anything, just the thought of her own attitude embarrassed her.

Loki had realized she had finished, and smiled. "Seems like somebody enjoyed their meal." He murmured, his voice thick and akin to a purr. Onyx shivered at his tone, her eyes meeting his.

With one side looking with lust, and the other side intimidation, it was a perfect mixture for Loki's plan.

It took merely a few seconds before they were feeling each other. Hands were darting across fabric, finding edges to remove said fabric. Then fingers touching muscle, skin touching skin.

Loki pinned her to the mattress, his mouth attacking her pale neck feverishly. He marked her up with love bites. Both of them still had their underwear on when the door slammed open, making their heads turn.

"We're here fo-" Steve started, before becoming speechless at the scene in front of him. Loki smirked at his reaction, watching as the super soldier gained a super blush. "S-sorry!" He rushed out, leaving the door open.

"Geez, what's got Capsicle all worked- oh." Tony looked into the motel room and sighed. "God damn, Reindeer games has game." He chuckled to his own joke, before the others made it over to him.

"Please get the flying fuck out" Onyx began, covering her and Loki with a comforter.

"No can do, Director Fury told us our mission, and we will complete it. You're coming back with us 'Skadi'." A certain red headed assassin said, walking into the room. She physically wedged the two unofficial lovers apart, pushing Loki away.

Onyx pushed the female away and moved to get clothes on. She ran her fingers through her hair to get rid of the mess it was put through when Loki got handsy.

"You may call me Skadi. I will not respond to any other name." She said sternly, her attitude towards the others was obviously different than her attitude towards Loki.


**I don't have a medical degree.

Fucking up at 3 am doing this shitttt. God I hope this blows up and gets super popular.

Thanks to all my friends who have read and voiced their opinions about the story so far!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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