"Was that William Shatner? All right, let's do this, then." Lenny said.

"It's on!" Wiley yelled. Everybody cheered as the team stood up. 

"Good luck!" I shouted to my dad and the gang.

When they got dressed they all came back onto the court wearing bright orange shirts from the water park. The mom's came out wearing the homemade cheerleading outfits they made.

Kurt accidentally stepted on Puberty Guys foot, he screamed in pain but the other gang members didn't notice.

I yelled for them, clapping and screaming my lungs off the entire time. At one point the ball hit Mrs. Bailey and made her spill her beer, I laughed extra hard and loud at that. We were basically whooping their butts until the end of the game. Everyone got really tired and kinda gave up. 

I patted my dad on the back when he came and sat down by me.

"What do you say we bring my son and your son into this?" Lenny suggested.

"Done!" Bailey said quickly.

"Greggie." Lenny called.

"Yeah, go, Greg!!" I yelled. Greg looked extreamly out of place as he awkwardly got up.

"Hey, Bailey." Dickie called.

"Boo! Bailey's going down!" I screamed. He looked at me and his face went into a scowl.

"And, Hey. Somebody fill up that jug with some Boss water, for the Hollywood kid." Dickie said.

"It's Voss, with a V." Greg said, seemingly unaware he was being made fun of, or he just didn't care.

"Yeah, stupid." I added.

Greg has never done anything to that man. The fact that he's making fun at a kid just proves how much of a coward he really is.

"Oooo." Bailey said. I got to my feet getting ready to go swinging when Sara put a hand on my shoulder and pushed me back to my seat.

Lenny instantly threw the ball into the hoop. 

Bailey took the next shot and got the ball in but his foot was on the line.

"Oh, yes. It's raining threes on Hollywood!" Bailey called out.

"No it's not, you idiot! Your foot was on the line!! Oh, stop acting like your so cool, your foot was on the damn line! Lenny beat his butt!" 

"Abby, calm down!" Dad laughed. I turned to him, my face red and hot with anger. His eyes went wide and his smile faded. I turned back to the game shouting insults at the Bailey's and encouragement to the Feder's.

It was Lenny's turn all he had to do was make the shot and win the game for us, I knew he could do it.

"Go Lenny!" I had a huge smile on my face cause I just knew we were gonna win. He took the shot and........missed. He missed. Lenny missed. Lenny never missed.

Lenny still had a smile on his face, though, even though he missed and I guess that was the important thing.

I walked up to Greg. "Good game. It was enjoyable to watch. Did you have fun?" I smiled.

"Yeah, I did actually." He smiled back.

"I'm sorry you didn't win." 

"It's fine, I'll work on it when I get home."

"I'm gonna miss you. But you'll still call me, right?" I said playfully punching his arm.

"Wouldn't dream of not calling you." He smiled. I wraped my arms around him to give him a hug. "Oh no, no, no, no, no. Your really sweaty.....and smelly." I said, pulling away.

"What? Is that a problem?" He steped forward.

"Yes, it's a big problem." I steped back.

"Oh well then, I guess I'm just gonna have to do..... this."  He sprung forward grabing me as I screamed.

He picked me up and spun me around holding me close to is sweaty body. I broke free and ran for my life as he chased me. Every once in a while pinning me down to the ground and making me smell his armpit. Huh, boy's.

When it got dark they set off fireworks. I sat next to Greg as we held hands and watched. 

"This day has probably been the best of my life." I told Greg.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah, there's been so much warmth and I felt so....I don't know....myself." I shrugged. "Why? Wasn't it nice for you? I mean, you played ball with your dad, it was a good day for you to." I said his brown eyes looking into my blue one's.

"Well, yeah it was nice." He said looking away. "But you got to remember, I've been to different countries." He looked back at me and started to laugh. "I'm joking. No it was awesome, I'm definitely going to be closer to my dad now, I learned a big lesson today, I don't really know what it was, but I learned it." I smiled at him, admiring his features. That's when i realized he was looking at me, too. 

"All right everybody!" Greg and mines head instantly went to the loud voice to see my dad with a bow and arrow pointed to the sky. "Last one to stay in wins!"

My eyes went wide as my dad let the arrow fly.

With Greg's hand still in mine, I pulled him to his feet and ran. "Come on Greg." With us both laughing hysterically running away from an arrow, I spun around quickly. Placing both my hands on the sides of his face and kissed him. It was fast, and sweet.

When I pulled away his eyes were wide and he couldn't find his mouth to work. I laughed and pulled him forward. "Come on, let's go!" I heard him laugh behind me. It was like music to my ears.

A/N: Hey guys that's the end of movie 1. I hope you guys liked it. Now that it's over, I would love if you left me some comments about what you thought of it. I will have one more chapter after this one, but its only going to have Abigail and Higgins and a few other people. Can you guys guess who? Bye, lovelies you make my day!

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