Chapter 1.

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1 week I later.


Walking into the warehouse with Tito not to far behind me, I was trying to play it smooth but I really couldn't hold my anger in. For the first time in my life I felt betrayed. I was working for this man since sixteen and knew him since I was old enough to shoot a ball. how couldn't I see this shit.

A fool is what the fuck I felt like.

Swinging open the warehouse doors, you could see the steam coming out a nigga ears.

I spotted Sean counting money and Omar bagging up weight.

"Damn where the hell you been nigga?" Sean said looking up at me while still trying to focus on counting the money and puffing on a wood.

"Yeah where the hell you been Mitch, I've been calling your fucking phone!" Pablo shouted at me with a cigar sticking out he side of his mouth. looking pissed sitting back in his chair like he was god or some shit. "And where the fuck you been Tito, you boys been fucking slacking! Why is Sean and Omar the only ones on time?!" He yelled at the both of us like we were his fucking kids getting up putting his cigar out.

Both Sean and Omar looked shocked and now stopped what they were doing to focus their attention on us. Pablo never talked to us like this because we had always been on our p's and Q's with shit. Didn't have to guide or remind us cause we was already on it.

But for the past week me and Tito was getting our shit together, having to make this move quicker then what we thought. I couldn't stay here another minute knowing I was working for the nigga that set my pops up, all so he could be the head nigga in charge. It all made sense now, and I knew it would be war behind killing Pablo, so I had to make this move as quick as possible.

A lot of niggas looked up to this nigga, not knowing he was fraud the whole damn time.

Raising my gun from my waist pointing it at Pablo, Tito snatched his gun from his waist as well pointing it towards Sean and Omar making sure them niggas knew not to try shit!

Pablo looked shocked, since I was planning on getting out the game and not telling him about it, he had no idea I was meeting with Gino.

"Aye what the fuck you doing?!" Sean said trying to reach for his gun but Tito fired a warning shot.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you nigga!" Tito said with a look of death in his eyes. Even though we knew these niggas since thirteen he would kill they ass without even thinking about it. Just because his loyalty was with me and vice versa.

"I fed you nigga! And you pull a fucking gun out on me?!" Pablo said back laughing but pissed at the same time.

The look on Sean and Omar faces you could tell they didn't know what was going on, but we knew they loyalty was with Pablo and we wasn't chancing shit. I had a son to raise.

Shit was about to get ugly real fast.



Quickly stuffing everything I could in my bags, feeling sick and running to the bathroom throwing up the steaks I had earlier and then quickly running back to the bags stuffing them. I had to keep wiping my eyes and checking my phone every five seconds. My thoughts were everywhere right now. I needed to know if Mitch was ok.

A week ago he told me we had to leave sooner than we planned to. He wouldn't tell me what was going on but I knew it wasn't good and today he woke up and told me to have all of our bags packed even Mical's, I was pissed because I had a appointment with the clinic for an abortion and I had to miss it.

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