Libra- Hey...

Drew- ... Hey ... glad to see Yu like the gifts

Libra- Yea... couldn't resist Yu know I love pink

He smiled and nodded he patted the seat next to him and I sat down

Libra- I jus wanna say... thank yu... It's not even about the gifts even tho I truly appreciate them but the fact that Yu put yourself out there like that really means a lot to me Drew... That's a big step for a quiet/private person like Yu and I felt the sincerity... and I forgive Yu

Drew- Thanks Ma... i know I have a lot to prove and it'll take a while for me to earn your trust back and that's why I'm willing to jus be friends for now and Yu know build our bond back but ... that's only if Yu want the same

Libra- Yea ... That's cool ... "Friend"

I said playfully shoving him and we both laughed

Drew- Yu got something stuck in ya braces ma

He said looking at me I tried using my tongue to get it off and then I showed him my teeth?

Libra- it's off now?

He laughed and shook his head he grabbed a napkin and gently dapped it against my tooth his warm touch moved against my lips and I couldn't help but smile

Drew- Yu good now

Libra- cool thanks Drew

Drew- You're welcome Libra

We smiled at each other and honestly it felt weird calling him Drew and hearing him call me Libra we literally only say each other's names when we're mad at each other 😂

*later that day*

It's now thanksgiving break and I cannot wait to sleep in! No school or work yay!😂 I was walking out the building when I noticed Dereks car and I immediately thought about Drew I turned around and found him getting ready to walk out the door

Libra- Ayeeeee Drew!!!

Drew- Wsup?

Libra- This way is like soo crowded and yanno ... let's jus walk around the building

Drew- Libra my car is right there I'll be fine ...

I looked at him and scratched my head tryna figure out another way to get him not to walk out that door

Drew- Yu okay ma? Yu scaring me

He said laughing and walking out the door I followed after him Derek was standing right by the door and my eyes lit up I could see the anger in his face Drew turned around looking at me with this Smirk and I jus knew!

Libra- Derek!

Derek- Libra get in the car now bro!

Libra- Why are you yelling at me!

Derek- Aye nigga Wsup with allat Shit Yu was saying on the breakfast club?

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