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{I Don't own BNHA, The Reader or Food Wars}


{C/C}-Color Choice

{E/C}-Eye Color


{Y/N}-Your Name

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The aroma that filled the air was mouth watering to say the least, as the food was plated in such a delicate manner, a young girl whom's light blonde hair was tied back sprinkled the final touches on her dish, "Order up for table number 5 Min-Min-Chan!" the female called to a male whom picked up the plates as his rabbit eared headband which was apart of his uniform moved slightly.

"On it {N/N}-Chan I'll get these to table 5" he told his boss as he skated his way out of the kitchen, he by now had mastered how to skate and carry the dishes along with the others, the cute outfits and fun personality of the small restaurant had people from all over to come an take a peak, at first it seemed childish but one bite of the food had you wanting more.

"Boss-Chan we got a double order for today's special for table number 8, and table 10 wants the Meow Meow waffles and Strawberry Hop Hop Floats" a female waitress stated as she spun into the kitchen, her hair was colored with rainbow dye and tied up into buns, a cat tail was sewn on the back of her uniform shorts, the theme was truly adorable indeed.

"I'm on it Ra-Ra-Chan give me a few minutes" the blonde replied as her {E/C} eyes twinkled she loved bringing people joy in her cooking, "After this you should take your break Ra-Ra Chan, I don't want your ankle acting up you hear" 

"Got it boss Chan" Ra-Ra saluted the small female, before making her way out of the kitchen, a smile making it's way on her face it was hard for her to find a job that didn't judge her on her sexuality or her skin color, or her features, here she was free to be herself everyone was free to be their self all thanks to their wonderful boss, whom may have been young but she understood more than anyone, Ra-Ra was glad to have found someone so accepting, she was lucky everyone was.

Getting to the orders that had been requested the blonde slightly yawned while she made the special for today, it was soon however taken over by the other chef in the kitchen whom had noticed how tired their cheery boss was getting.

"I'll take over for the rest of the orders for today Bunny Chan, you go get some rest you've deserved it" they told her, she was sometimes stubborn but today she didn't go against the wishes to take a much needed nap.

"Thank you Jin-Jin" she yawned, making her way off her her stool and allowing the 6'1 gender fluid twenty year old to take over, they had always made certain she didn't overwork herself even with her stubbornness, they watched as their boss made her way to her office which at this point was mainly used for her daily naps when needed.

Jin was glad she took their advice, that nap was indeed much needed, they'd let her sleep till closing because they worried about her after all, everyone here did because she was their little angel, their boss whom was like their little sister, she spread kindness and happiness to everyone with her personality.

It was a shame her older brother didn't realize his own little sisters kindness, and how she cheered him on from the side-lines, because she was far to kind for her own good.

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The Little Prodigy | Neito Monoma x Little Sister ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora