Chapter 5: Genes and artwork

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Hazels Point Of View

9 days.

9 days I have been trying to get ahold of Dan but he has been avoiding me ever since he told me about all of this. He hasn't been at school either. Whenever I went to visit him Rosie always told me he was either out or unavailable. But it would not stop me.

But I wasn't going to give up, I refused to stop. But for today I was tired of running after someone who didn't want to be found. It was cool outside, so I threw on some jogging pants and decided to take my frustrations out on excercise.

Eventually jogging led to running. I wasn't paying much attention as to where I was running until I saw a familiar face.

It was Dan. He was wearing a dark hoodie and jeans.

"Hey!" I yelled after him trying to get his attention, as he turned around and saw me he started a string of cusses and began walking in the opposite direction. I ran after him trying to keep up.

"Hey, stop ignoring me." I said grabbing his arm and turning him to face me. My frown immediately sunk as I saw his face. It was riddled with bruises especially on his eyes and cheekbones.

"What do you want, Hazel?" He said his tone laced with malice.

"You've been avoiding me" I simply state, the words I had planned on saying to him forgotten.

"No shit," he says making a move to leave again but I block his path.

"Why," I say growing increasingly annoyed. He stays silent.

"What do you just suddenly regret telling me? Is it that bad that you feel the need to avoid me?" I ask growing increasingly agitated.

"Don't dare blame me for leaving because you left first! I knew you wouldn't understand, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone Hazel. But I did." He says drawing in a deep breath.

"I didn't leave Dan, I just needed to think about all of this. If I actually wanted part of this. And I do, I really do. And that is my choice not yours, and don't regret telling me..." I say before he interrupts me.

"I don't regret telling you. I regret that I've gotten you involved. I didn't want this for you." He says making eye contact for the first time.

"Well guess what now I'm involved. Out of my own will not yours. So, how do I get a gun?" I ask and he laughs.

"Your insane," he says smiling.

"Maybe. Are you going to help me join or not?"

"In every area theres a significant amount of people that are part of our group and we meet monthly."

"Where?" I ask glad to be getting somewhere.

"A church. Where else?" He says smirking. I scoff at the irony. "I will take you to this meeting and talk to the priest, priest Dolus specifically, amongst the others. We all decide as a group."

"How many are in this areas group?" I ask narrowing my eyes.

"Only 10. Its a small place and I being the one who will ensinuate you should join, cannot vote. So you'll need 5 out of 8 votes. But if not everyone is there it will simply be an agreement or objection, not as large as a vote. "

"The priest isn't included? " I ask.

"No. He just deals with payments, a location and if needed, exorcism."

"I thought you just needed to kill the daemon within?" I question.

"Again depends on its classification, hence the encyclopedias." I nod taking this information in.

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