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I woke up to my phone going off with messages. I unlocked my phone seeing all those messages were from Mattia on instagram

"good morning"

"so what are we gonna talk about today?"

"I'm guessing your still asleep?"

"I don't care, WAKE UP!!"

"it's almost 12pm! WAKE UP!"


"Alright I'm up"

"couldn't go a couple hours without bugging me?"


"great your up, so instead of texting in here, can I get your number? Promise I won't tell anyone but the boys and they won't say anything?"

"and if I did and that got out you can leak my number"


"also can I call you if you give me your number?"


"fine I'll give you my number."

But the calling part you gotta find out. If you call me and I don't pick up then no talking but if I do then your lucky"


"I already am lucky😙"


"don't use emojis to flirt like that. It's sad"


"yea I regret that, any way I gotta go but ttyl mystery girl ;)"

Alright. Yes I gave him my number. Might as well, I made the accounts so I obviously wanted to talk to him, I didn't realize that he would text me as soon as I made the account. I really have no idea what's gonna happen next, he's going to want to meet me and I'm honestly scared, I've seen so many post about me and there some of his fans who like me and the others saying I planed the whole thing to make him want to know me, why the hell would I do that? Why would I make a whole plan for some guy to want to know me? Anyway what am I going to do when he does ask to meet me?

I heard jazmine yell

I yelled back

"Mom said to get up so we can go to the store!"
She yelled


I got up and changed into some jeans since I was wearing shorts and I put a sweater, I put on my shoes and grabbed my phone and mask and walked out the room

Jazmine our our baby brother in his car seat and put him in the car. We all got in the car and my mom started driving to the store

"mom, can we get when we come back?"
I asked

She said

We got to the store and put our brother in the cart and started getting the things we needed. I made a tiktok and posted it on the mysterygirl account


I was hanging out with the boys and I told them that I texted my mysterygirl and she texted me back, they still confused as to why I wanna know her and I am too. I really don't know I just want to know her, I was on tiktok when I see she posted something on her account and she was at a store

"your girls at the store"
Roshaun said pushing my shoulder

"you want to go don't you?"
Kairi said

"I am going"
I said getting up and running to the store which was a couple blocks up the neighborhood

The boys followed me but once I got there I looked to the side and she was putting the last thing in the car and got in driving off

"you missed it"
Alejandro said

"so we ran for nothing?"
Alvaro said breathing heavy

"fuck running back, Imma walk"
Roshaun said breathing heavy and putting his hands on his hips 

I took out my phone and called her. I don't know why I called her I just did. I hope she answers


We put everything in the car and we were at the drive thru to get food when my phone rang, I didn't know the number but I still answered it

I said

they said

"who's this?"
I asked

"Mattia, I wanted-

I hung up. I got nervous

"who was that?"
Jazmine said

"uh no one, they didn't say anything"
I said

I texted him

"sorry, I got nervous and I can't let my sister know I'm texting you cause she never gonna leave me alone"


"It's fine, I just wanted to say I seen the tiktok you posted and I ran to the store so I could see you but you drive off as soon as I got there"


"wow, so you really did all that?"


"yea, when can I see you?"


"not now. But soon, we barley started texting at 1am"

Mystery girl | | Mattia PolibioUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum