Chapter 4

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Alli's POV

We got to our room, "You ready to be amazed boys?" I asked. "Open the freaking door already." Stu said. I put my card in and opened the door everyone walking in, "Holy shit!" Stu said in amazement as Phil patted his back. "Now this is Vegas." Phil said. "Wow this place is enormous." Doug said hugging me. I hugged him back, "Now we're talking." I said. "It's all one suite?" Stu asked. "Unbelievable." I mumbled. "Thank you guys, or should I say thank you Stu." Doug said looking at our dear friend. "You're welcome. It's only because I love you." Stu said placing his hand on his waist.

I walk towards the windows and saw the city with the lights on, "It's beautiful." I said. "You said it." Phil said standing beside me. "Hey guys look free almonds." Alan said showing us a jar of almonds. "No, no, no please put those back." Stu said walking up to Alan and placing the jar back. "I'm hungry." Alan said. "I know but..." Stu said. "Stu what the fuck man." Phil said walking over. I walked over grabbing a glass and putting water in it, "It's pressure-sensitive plate. When you pick it up you have 30 seconds to put it back or they bill you." Stu explained.

I took my pain killers because I had a surgery just recently on my neck, "That's pretty neat." Alan said. "Those almonds are probably like $14 dollars." Stu said. He and Phil got into an argument, "Yo idiots check out this trick." I said. "What are you doing?" Stu asked. "Something to save your sorry ass from your forensic accountant that you call your girlfriend and who I call a bitch." I said. "Alli." Doug said. "It's true." I said. "She scours my statement you three know that." Stu said. I picked the Almonds up and put the glass of water on the plate, "Boom here you go Alan." I said.

Alan smiled and took them, "See? Problem solved you're welcome Stuart." I said. "How'd you learn that?" Doug asked. "Marines. My friends and I learned that." I said. "Alright let's pick a room, get dressed and be ready in 30 minutes." Phil said taking a bottle of water out of the fridge. "Phil." Stu said. "Fill it with water when your done and put the cap back on and it's like no one every touched it." I said grabbing my bag. I grabbed my dress

I took a quick shower then got out putting a towel around my body, "Damn I thought I was going to see more

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I took a quick shower then got out putting a towel around my body, "Damn I thought I was going to see more." Phil said. I jumped and looked at him, "Phil what the hell are you doing?" I asked. "Relax it's not like I haven't seen it before." He said closing the door behind him. He walked towards me, "Well sorry mister, I still have to get ready and by the looks of it so do you." I said and pushed him to the door. Let me tell you it's hard not to kiss him. He had his back against the door, "If Doug sees you in here with me he's going to kill you." I said. "He knows I've seen you naked before also made out and other things." He said picking me up and setting me on the counter. "Phil we can't do this at least not yet." I said. "Just a bit." He whined. "Nope out you go and dressed." I said and pushed him out the door.

I got ready in my dress and fixed my hair. I am not the one to add makeup at all unless it for a special occasion like Doug's wedding then I will. I walked out grabbing the flats that match my dress heels and me do not work at all. I walked out of my room and went to Stu's room knowing everyone's going to be there. I walked into Stu's room I open the door, "Hey guys you ready?" I asked walking in. Which I am guessing they're not.

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