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Author's POV:

"Hey guys! I'm having a party this weekend."Minho announced in the classroom while everyone cheered. Everybody loved his parties. It was lit, it was awesome. But it's mostly the alcohol's credit.

"Yo' Hyunjin! Your coming to my party right?"

"Hyung you know I can't.." Hyunjin sighed.

"Come on. Just one party, just tell your dad your doing a project with a friend." He whined whilst the younger boy rolled his eye's.

"I'll do what I can.." He stated which made Minho to smile in success.

He patted Hyunjin's shoulders then walked away for his class.

Hyunjin sighed then headed to his next class. Which was Arts.

Jeongin's POV:

NOOOO! Geometry class! the only class I have suffered! ㅠㅠ

"Good morning class. Please take a seat and turn your book into page 783. Today we will learn..." Ms. Yuki said while discussing.


After that felt like an eternity(it was 2 whole hours okay?! 2. Whole. Hours! ㅜㅡㅜ) lunch finally started.

I packed my things and notice Yeji was still in the classroom.

I couldn't take it anymore so I waked up to her while she placed all of her belongings in her bag.

I tapped her shoulder while she looked at me and smiled.

"What is it Yang? Need anything?" She asked, while I awkwardly smiled back.

"U-Uh.. One of my hyung's threw this party, and uh.. Would you and your friends like to come? I-I won't force you or anything!" I stutter.

She gave me a faint smile before saying

"I'll do what I can Yang."She gave me a smile before she exited the classroom

Yang Jeongin you genius! I finally confronted her! Who's the guy who confronted his crush? Yang Jeongin, Yang Jeongin, Yang Jeongin!

I quietly danced before going out of the classroom.

[time skip at the party≈]

The party was dark, the lights blue, red, green, and yellow did not help all of SKZ so Seungmin being a smart ass he used his flashlight and led the way.

Then they all led into the kitchen, where Minho is located and was surrounded with other girls.

"No wonder why Jisung didn't come" Changbin spat.

"Dude, if Jisung sees this. You'd be so dead. Luckily he's working at the convenience store today."

"Yeah, he's working alright.." all of them turned to face Jisung in shock. He was wearing ripped jeans and white tee while glaring at Minho.

The other girls saw him and quickly excused themselves.

Jisung looked at him with anger, disgust, and disappointment.

He grabbed Felix' arm then exited the kitchen. He was so angry he couldn't think straight. So he dragged his best friend Felix to the roof.

They both sat down the bench while Jisung hugged his legs, crying his eyes out.

"I love him to much Felix, a-and it hurts. I'm sick of him being like that, b-but I always thought to myself that it was no big deal and that's just his friends. But seeing him with all of those girls with him, saying to other people he's single, I-I've had enough. I don't wanna hurt myself anymore. Ugh, I don't even wanna be seen with him."He cried his heart out."Hyung. Ditch him, it's not like he'll change anyway."

"Your right lix. I've wasted 5 months of freedom while I'm stuck with that fucker. But the only problem is that.. I still love him" He cried again while Felix hugs his best friend while patting his back.

"The more you think of him the more your feelings will grow and when you'll ditch him. Your feelings will faint. Okay? So ditch that bitch. He doesn't deserve you."

Minho's POV:

"Ditch that bitch. He doesn't deserve you." Felix said while he hugs Jisung.

I looked at Jisung's little figure in awe. I just wanna hug him too, but I can't do that.

Felix is right... I don't deserve him, he keeps on forgiving me, and I always break his heart into pieces. I... I really don't deserve him.

Jisung is a kind guy. He's the kind of person who puts his friends first before himself. He's always there.. For me... For us.

'Flash back'

"Sweet heart, you got a visitor." Mom says while I slowly opened my eye's to see a pair of eye's staring back at me.


I looked at him in confusion while I tried to get up in the hospital bed.

"No! No! Minho the doctor says you shouldn't move to much!" He helps me sit while he gave me something.

"The guys told me to give these to you. They also said to get well soon."He smiled while I opened the bag.

It was filled with food. Not only asian food but also western food.

"How'd you guys buy western food?"

"O-Oh, that... Uh, Chan's mum gave to much and decided to give it to you."

"Well he shouldn't have-"

"Yes he should! 'cause you need to feel better! I know the hospital food is not your type so we prepared all of these. Don't even think about not eating them 'cause you feel bad." He scolds while I smiled.


After Jisung and I talked, I insisted him to go home. It's already dark and I can't risk him getting hurt.

"But Minho-"

"No buts! Go home! Luckily it's still 7. I don't want to see you beaten up by thugs, go home before you get hurt!" I scolded while he turned away hiding his blushing face.


"S-So that I won't get in trouble when you got in trouble. I don't wanna get scolded by your mom." I cleared while looking at the window.

I noticed his smile slowly faded. But when I looked at him he fixes his smile back.

"Fine, I'll go home. But I have one question.."

"What is it?"

Thank you for reading, sorry for the awaited chapter! We hope your doing fine. And stay safe.

-WOOCHAN2020 & RukiaVenice817

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