six - joking

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Friday, the third week into the year. First thing in the morning, we had Herbology with Professor Longbottom - to me, 'Uncle' Neville. The class was with Hufflepuff, so Mason walked to class with Autumn and I. Charlie was there too, but he wasn't much of a morning person, so he didn't join in the conversation. (Truth be told, I was not a morning person either, but being with my friends usually put me in a good mood). We were discussing the DADA assignment due later that day - a short essay which Autumn had neglected to write.

"I really don't want a bad grade so early in the year," she sighed, "but I haven't any idea what more to write about."

"What did you say your topic was?" I asked, although she'd already told me twice.

"Red Caps," Autumn said, making a face. "I chose it because there's a lot of them around at home, but I realized I don't know a thing about them, beyond what they look like. And now Professor Howell is going to think I'm entirely pathetic."

"You? Pathetic? That's old news," Charlie said, earning himself a jab in the ribs.

"We could meet in the library at lunch, if you need some help finishing it up," Mason offered. "I mean, not like cheating, but just suggestions. You know."

"Oh, really?" Autumn looked surprised, and beamed as he nodded. "That's awfully nice of you. You're a lifesaver."

"Gosh, Mason," I groaned, "if I'd known you were offering help, I wouldn't have stayed up into the wee hours of the morning writing it on my own."

"Oh, don't whine," my friend laughed. "It's Autumn's turn to take advantage of my genius; you know I saved your butt on that Charms project the other day."

I stuck out my tongue at the dark-haired boy. "I could've done it quite decently; I just didn't have time, what with Astronomy and all."

"Excuses, excuses," Mason chuckled, shaking his head as we neared the greenhouses.

Nobody else was in the greenhouse when the four of us slipped inside, except our professor. Uncle Neville was kneeling on the dirt-strewn floor (probably ruining the knees of his trousers), apparently cutting leaves off of a tall plant I didn't recognize. He glanced up as we came in, and waved us over. "Well, if it isn't my favourite first years! Not that I have favourites, of course," he said with a wink. "Come over here; I'm harvesting some Alihotsy. Could one of you fetch a jar from the corner? I seem to have misplaced the one I thought I'd picked up."

"Certainly," Mason said, hopping to the task. He was back in a moment with the jar, handing it to the professor. "Alihotsy..." he said, seeming to reflect, "that's for... laughing potions?"

"Very good," said Uncle Neville, smiling at Mason. "These, since the tree they've come from is very young, are somewhat less potent and therefore not as risky to place in the hands of inexperienced students like yourselves. Slughorn doesn't want any students laughing so hard they sprain something... which has happened, you know."

"I don't know if I believe that's possible," Autumn said.

"Oh, Miss Stevenson... You have much to learn about Hogwarts," said the professor, with a laugh. "At this school... pretty much anything is possible."

"Anything?" I said skeptically. "Even magic has its limits."

Uncle Neville looked at me, eyebrows raised. "Come on, Lily, your dad died and came back to life right over there-" he motioned towards the Forbidden Forest. "If that can happen, then yes, I'd say there are very few things beyond the realm of possibility."

I couldn't exactly argue that point, and some other students had begun to arrive, so I just rolled my eyes and laughed. "Alright, Professor Longbottom," I said, in a slightly teasing voice - it was still weird to call him Professor. "I'm going to claim a good plant before they're all taken. Are you coming, Autumn?"

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