3. Doctor Nowzardan

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His full name is Younan Nowzardan - but patients usually call him 'Doctor Now' for short.

- He's a world famous weight loss surgeon ( - Yes, World Famous! - not only in whole America!... -If I live in Poland & know who his is & watch his show Almost Everyday - this must be True, right? :) )

*He was born on October 11th 1944 - so he will turn 76 This Year! ( 2020 ) - I hope he lives at least 100 Years to help Many Many more Patients - because He's a Great Specialist! 

*According to My Observations in 'My 600 lb Life' - He's a very calm person ( he always speaks so calmly - & never raises his voice... - Even if his patients don't listen to his instructions ) , He's very determined to Help Them - & can 'Fight for a Patient' for even Half A Year before he gives up because 'The Patient doesn't Cooperate'... ( - I sometimes think that 'He Cares to Improve those 600 lb People's Lives MORE THAN THEY DO! - cause in Some Cases it Really Looks Like That!... )

But he Always appreciates The Patients who are 'Ready to Lose Weight' & who Cooperate... - & when they lose as much weight as They Should before the Next Visit ( ... Or Even MORE!... which happened in a few cases ) - He says that 'He is Happy about Their Progress', that 'They Impressed Him' & 'He is Really Proud of Them!'...

*For example He was Happy about This Patient's Progress...

... - Cause losing 141 Pounds in just 2 MONTHS really IS 'Something'! :)

( I know that some of the People reading it now Don't even weigh 141 pounds - so They must be Thinking 'Wow! - That dude Lost More than MY WHOLE Weight! O_O '... - Right, Impressive! - Isn't it? )

But just as I said before: 'Not All the Patients Listen to Dr. Now's instructions' - & when They Are Stubborn & Act as if they Didn't Want Any Change At All - like in the video below: 

... - Then I say 'Houston, we have a Problem!'  ^_~ 

( cause the Main Action takes place in Houston - where Dr Now's clinic is located )

*And from the 2nd video in This Part  you can see that All I Described in the Previous Parts of This book was True! 

- those Patients were Hardly walking, one was stuck to the Oxygen Machine in her Nose all the Time - & they Needed Their Family's Help to do the Simple Everyday Activities - a Person with Healthy Weight would be Able to do Without Any Help! 

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