Chapter 1 <3

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get your shit together losers, the holidays start now :)


max its 7am c'mon man let me sleep


she needs the sleep otherwise she's gonna be moody the whole time


hey i'm not a moody person!


I think we're gonna have to agree to disagree on that one hannah


alright can we stop the bullying now?


its fun tbh


and this is why hannah prefers tilly over you love xxx


well we all know thats a lie. its so obvious she fancies him ugh don't evennnn


mhm harvey maybe you should shut your mouth before Eliza shuts it for you


Hannah! shush


we all know you kissed when you went to get us food the other night don't even deny it mills


damn you got me there. but if we're exposing kisses, then James and Alyssa you have something you wanna talk about?


we're dating idiot you can't expose us :))


ugh i want a boyfriend


Max will happily step up


well she's not wrong is she

{ read by Hannah, Eliza + Harvey}

"Hannah" my mum called from the kitchen table. "breakfast before you go out please"

i smiled and rolled out of bed, almost squashing the cat that was curled up on my carpet. laughing to myself, I stumble to my wardrobe whilst still being half asleep and pull out a green cropped top and some black denim shorts and quickly slip them on. I throw my hair in different directions trying to work out which parting looked best with this outfit. I smiled to myself as I ran past the mirror in the hallway on the way to the kitchen. my breakfast was the same as always. a bowl of coco pops. everyday since I was 4. i'm 16 btw. I know what you're thinking. weirdo. yes I knowwww. max bullies me for it. He's my bestfriend by the way. but I secretly have a crush on him... anyway lets move on.


hey loser x


wassup idiot x


i miss you :(


i'm seeing you in a few hours


but I need one of your big cuddles :(


soon i promise, who's house are we staying at tonight?


we're going camping remember idiot? at the lake?


okay okay im sorry mills, im dumb i know. :(


i love you xxxxxxxx


you're so sarcastic stop rn


okay im sorry


yeh you better be


im literally not :)


i hate you sometimes ugh


love you too xx


i love you more x

Funny thing is i actually do like him. Alot. I have since year 2. That's when we first met. i moved to his school and we automatically clicked, we idk just got along. i think we dated in like year 4 but it doesn't count for obvious reasons. There's just something about him. Max Mills. But every girl in our school fancies him. I have no chance.

It had been a few hours since me and max had text. Which meant it was almost time to leave, so i grabbed all of my things and my mum dropped me off at the Mills house.

"finally she arrived" Eliza smiled whilst pulling me into a big hug. We hardly get to see each other as she spends all her free time with Harvey.

"sorry i'm late" I whisper whilst hugging back. i look over at Alyssa and James who are curled up on the sofa. And when i looked over to max, i could sense his eyes already on me. watching my every move, every step. i just smiled. i knew he was checking me out. he always does. he just didnt want to admit it i guess, idk? I walked over to him, with every step both of our smiles grew bigger. He always missed me. Even if we were apart for 5 minutes he would spam my snapchat with messages saying he missed me.

" hey loser" he smiled as he pulled me into a hug. Max's hugs were special. Different to everyone else's.
" hey cutie" I giggled hugging back tightly.
I could feel his hand moving down to my arse so I gently pulled away and looked at him.
" mhmmm l'll get there at some point my love"

"Will you sir?" I smiled. He just smirked at me as I stood against the wall with all my bags.
This chapters kinda short so I'm really sorry, but I hope you all like it 🥺💞

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