Attention pt.1

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A/n omg thank you guys for 4 reads I am super grateful for the two people who took the time outta there day to read my storie anywho let's get on to the smut
I was in bed kinda sad because Mattia has been playing fifa with the boys all day and haven't been giving me any attention at all
Y/n: bubs
Y/n: babbyyyy
Mattia:omfg god what do you want your being so fucking annoying
He finally talked but not in the way I wanted to
Y/n: oh... I'm sorry I'll leave you alone
Mattia:baby wai-

Before he said anything I left and went down staris into the living room and started crying.And soon enough I heard fooot steps coming form upstairs coming down
I already knew it was him so I didn't pay him any mind but since I knew he felt bad I wanted to tease him
Mattia:baby I'm sorry I didn't mean I-
You got up and went upstairs

5 min later

You peeked your head trought the door to see what mattia was doing. He was watching tv so to tease him you put on this

You walked down staris and sat on the couch You quickly caught mattias attention he was practically drooling

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

You walked down staris and sat on the couch You quickly caught mattias attention he was practically drooling

You climbed over him to get the remote putting your ass in his face
Mattia:baby are you teasing me

Y/nWhat if I am

Mattia smutsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang