Chapter 2 - My Best Friend

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The next day was November 17, Kuroo Tetsurō's birthday.

Honestly, it was hard picking out a present for him. Even though I've known him practically my entire life he doesn't seem to have many interests.

His mum left early on the morning of his birthday, she had cooked his favourite food. Grilled Salted Mackerel Pike.

As I walked into his house I began wondering if he would really enjoy my present. He said he loved dogs and he would always squeal like a little girl and run over to pet it when we passed one on the street.

Unfortunately, he could never get one because his mum was extremely afraid of them, she had an experience as a kid and it scares her to this day.

So I decided to do the second best thing, take him to an animal shelter on his birthday and let him play with all the tiny puppies. I also brought us matching key rings because he always complained that Bokuto and Akaashi have them but we didn't and another volleyball that he could add to his large collection.


"Hey Kuroo" I smiled brightly as I let myself into his room. He grinned back at me as he sat up tiredly.

Only now that I was finally at my destination did I realise how tired I was. I've never, even when my mum forced me, woken up this early and the thought that I did it willingly still surprises me now.

I wanted to be with him as soon as his mum left so that Kuroo wouldn't be alone, even a second, on his birthday.

"What brings you here in this fine, chilly November morning?" He asked, his voice still groggy from sleeping, pretending he didn't even know it was his birthday. I just rolled my eyes, placing the bag next to his bed and plopped myself on top of Kuroo.

He hugged me tightly as I breathed in his familiar sent, I was knackered and I just wanted to sleep a little longer.

"We leave at 11:00am so wake me up then and don't look in the bag, your getting whatever's inside when we get back." I mumbled but I knew he could hear me.

3rd person POV
He just murmured a small 'Mhm', and sighed loudly, not even knowing where they were going to go at that time and annoyed that he couldn't open the bag now, but happy that he could cuddle with Kenma for a bit with an exceptional excuse, although he didn't need one because he knew Kenma always loved to cuddle too.


As the two boys made their way towards the shelter Kuroo couldn't help but wonder where they were going, he guessed it was probably something for his birthday but the suspense was killing him.

He loved surprises, the feeling you get in your chest as you wonder what it could be. Kuroo finds it pleasant and weirdly comfortable.

The third year knows that anything from his best friend will be great, even if he didn't get him anything for his birthday and just came to cuddle him he would be grateful.

Unfortunately he knew Kenma was going to get him something because, despite the shorter boys constant protest, Kuroo still brought the second year something for his birthday about a month ago.

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