Death Old Friend Come Home To Me×

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× Years of pain & harm have come to take a toll on me now Death my dear old friend I beg of you to come pay a visit to me. Your damaged friend, your mental distraught friend. Won't you be so kind as to pay a visit & take me with you. Take me far from all these tragedies which have turned me into a travesty would you? Take note at my attempts to visit you as I have grown far too impatient and I want so badly to see you. Will you just look at my arms,soul,legs,heart , & mind they are scarred terribly from my battles. You are so dear to me and I want us to unite and leave this horrific life of mine. Let's run off to Neverland. Death old friend come home to me? ∆ Love, I'm A Travesty ∆

Poetry of a Wretched GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon