1 - Welcome to my Life

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Chapter One: Welcome to my life 

Every year its always the same; school ends, summer starts, as well as my summer job at the ice cream place down the street, a week at the beach, my birthday, and then school all over again. I consider myself a girl who is normally quiet because of the loudness I sometimes like to call my family. The craziest and busiest is what I like to refer to my family as. My two older twin brothers, Cameron and Cole, are star football players at my high school, winning this years state championship game. My mom is forever busy with helping my younger brother's classroom help program and writing yet another bestseller novel. My father is the one who understands me, but works the craziest hours due to his job at his law firm. Then there's me, Chelsea, the "normal" one I like to say because I am not into sports or anything really. Lastly, of course, there is my younger brother of eight, Chase. He has severe ADD which means he is in constant motion if not medicated, but he also plays soccer and is very active in finding bugs to hide them in strange places in the house. Knowing this, can't you see how I see myself as quiet.  

I am no one to make a spectacle over. Cameron, a senior, definitely is a spectacle at my school. All of the girls fall over him and he doesn't seem to mind. Cole on the other hand is not as vocal about getting all of the females to be at his beck and call. I swear they're like the Dave Franco of Morris Hill High. Being a sophomore with two of the hottest boys in my school as older brothers means two things; one- girls are going to try to be my friend to get to them, and two- boys do not even look my way. Over-protective does not even begin to explain them at all.  

"WAKE UP CHELSEA OR YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" my mom yells from downstairs.  

I get up, the clock says 6:55. Walking downstairs I am thinking, there is no way I am going to be late unless a freak accident happens to make me late. Once I get to the kitchen I make myself a bowl of cereal and have a seat at the table.  

"You know," my dad says before taking a bite out of an apple, "that house across the street is finally going to have people living in it I think." 

"Yeah, I think they're moving in today," my mom says as she makes Chase's lunch. 

"Yay, new neighbors. I can't wait to have even more people living near me." I sarcastically add.  

Then my mom bounces back with, "Well I'm thinking about making some of my famous homemade cookies to take to them this evening and I think we should all go over there and make them feel welcome to the neighborhood so clear your plans and dress nicely, okay?" 

"Woahhhhhhh, why are we clearing our plans? I have places to be and people to see!" Cameron boasts. 

Then Cole interjects, "Mom its just new neighbors, plus it's not like they are the first people to move into that house in the last year." 

"Everyone is going and that is that! It is not going to take all night so you will all suck it up and be there. You can do whatever you want after as long as you go with me and your father to greet this new family," my mother says sternly.  

"Alrighty then, I'm gonna go get ready," I say to cut the tension. 

As I am walking upstairs I hear them trying to convince my mom otherwise, but we all know this isn't going to happen.  

I go to my bathroom and begin to brush my teeth when I see a caterpillar on the handle of my sink. I try my hardest not to scream but boy it is hard. Knowing that Chase is notorious for this, you'd think I would be used to it but I certainly am not. Using the other handle I cut the water on and I rinse my mouth out. 


He walks in laughing and picks up the caterpillar. 

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