Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 

Ichirou's P.O.V 

"What are we going to do, Ichirou-san?" Ishida asked frantically. "Those kids know too much!" 

"I know, I know, be quiet and let me think!" Ichirou grouched. Ishida went quiet. He couldn't do anything illegally. That'd put the cops on him. He told them the case was off, but that didn't mean the kids were going to stop investigating him. He wasn't sure how much they found out already, but from the reaction of Ishida, he'd say they knew quite a bit about what happened. Ichirou smirked. "They don't have any proof of what happened." 

"But I heard them talking about that retired janitor!" Ichirou frowned. 

"That is troublesome. Well, it looks like Janitor-san is about to have a house fire." Ichirou said smirking widely. Ishida's eyes grew the size of dinner plates. 

"Ichirou-san, you can't mean," Ichirou was starting to get irritated with this man. 

"Yes, we're going to burn his house down." He wasn't going to resort to anything illegal at first, but if those kids knew about the old janitor, then desperate times called for desperate measures. 

"But, sir," 

"I'm glad you agree. We'll do it Friday night." 

"B-But, sir!" Ichirou ignored the man. 

"Let's meet up at three in the morning. I'll take care of the gasoline, you just bring something to ignite it, got it?" Ishida sighed. 

"Yes sir," The two men left the school not saying a word to each other. One had a grim face but the other had a determined expression. 

Aki's P.O.V 

"Nii-chan, what are you doing?" Little eight-year-old, Aki asked walking into her brother's room. He had woke her up in the middle of the night. 

"Eh? Oh, it's just you." Nii-chan was fixing to sneak out his window. 

"Where are you going?" Nii-chan sighed. 

"Don't tell mom and dad, okay? I'm going to see my friend. So please don't tell?" Aki nodded, looking determined. 

"Hai, Nii-chan!" Nii-chan smiled in relief. 

"Good, now go back to bed. I'll see you in the morning." 

"Mm!" Then Aki turned around and went back to her room like she was told. The next day though, Aki woke up to yelling. She yawned and went into the kitchen. As she got closer, she started to understand that her brother was getting into trouble for sneaking out the night before. "Ne, what's going on?" She decided it was best to just play dumb. 

"Nothing, go make yourself a bowl of cereal." Oka-san ordered her. She nodded and did as she was told. Later on after the yelling had stopped, Nii-chan walked into her room. 

"Hi, Nii-chan!" She greeted him with a wide smile. He, however, was not smiling. He was glaring at her. 

"You told her didn't you?" She gasped. 

"I didn't! I promise!" He didn't believe her. 

"Liar!" She felt the tears coming. "Whatever," He muttered before leaving her alone. She cried the rest of the day. Why did he have to call her a liar like all the other kids? She really did see those ghosts. She couldn't help it if they came to her. She didn't ask them to. Why did everyone have to be so mean to her? That thought made her cry more. 

"Aki! Aki, wake up! You're having a bad dream!" Mai's voice broke through my sleep ridden mind. I opened my eyes and realized that I had been crying. 

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