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Nick's Pov

Hi my name is Nick Austin I am 19 years old and I live in a house with my abusive boyfriend Tony Lopez.

Yes that's right I said abusive.

He wasn't always like this when we first started dating he used to tell me he loves me everyday.

But after his mom died everything started going downhill for our relationship.

He was always depressed so he started drinking to numb the pain.

Me and Tony have been together for almost 2yrs now he's not abusive when he's sober, but seeing him sober is a very rare sighting.

He drinks everywhere all the time i've never seen him without a bottle of liquor in his hand for at least a year.

Except for one time when we painted the house but that's a story i'll tell later. 

I know it's wrong and I should have called the police a long time ago but I just can't bring myself to do it.

I love him, and I know he loves me but im getting tired of his bs if he lays one more hand on me im calling the police no matter how bad I don't want to.

Tony's Pov

Hi my name is Antonio Levi Lopez but I prefer Tony.

Im 20 years old and I live in a house with my boyfriend Nick.

Our relationship was perfect I loved him and I still do even though I don't show it.

But I don't think he knows that.

He probably hates me now and I don't blame him I hate myself too.

My mother died a few months after I started dating nick so around 2yrs ago.

I was very close to my mother so her death was very hard for me to handle.

After the funeral I rarely left the house. I became sad angry and depressed.

Which resulted in me drinking all the time until eventually it became an addiction.

I can't go a single day without drinking my drinking problem has caused me to hurt Nick.

Even if I don't want to I can't help it it's like I'm taking out all my anger and sadness on him, and I hate myself for it. 

I've been putting him through pain  for two years already, i'm surprised he hasn't called the police yet. 

I haven't seen my siblings Xavier and Ondreaz or my dad since the death of my mother.

So I have no idea how or what they're doing with their lives.

But I do know their lives must be way better and less fucked up then mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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