So You Could Take it Off

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She can never know. I have been in love with my best friend since the day we met. It's like one of those love stories where one person is hopelessly in love and the other person is utterly clueless. And maybe it's better that way. Taylor and I have been friends for years. Sleepovers at each other's houses, movie nights, seeing how much pizza we can eat. But what she doesn't know is that I would kill for even just one sleepover to go a different direction. And she has no idea. But you know what they say, ignorance is bliss. I wish I could tell her. I want so badly to be able to confess how I feel, but everytime I get close, I chicken out. See, I'm not scared of her knowing, it's her not feeling the same way that completely terrifies me. But all that is going to change tonight. I had originally invited her to my place to spend the night, but she insisted we stay at her house. She was dying to show me some new music she had been working on. I did not object. This is the night I will tell her how I feel. When I get to her house, she opens the door and we go to her bedroom like every other time, but this time, her room feels like a million miles away. We take our places on her bed and she pulls a pen and a notepad out from under her pillow and starts to write on it. She pulls out her guitar and strums the first chords and starts to sing what she's got so far. After she's done she holds the guitar out to me. She's done this about a million times, but each time, I politely refuse saying, "I don't play." I look into her eyes and for a moment, something changes, but I can't quite tell what it is. She starts to put the guitar away, knowing I won't play it until I object.
"No I want to play."
She beams with happiness. I swear she has a smile that could light up this whole town. And knowing I put it there? I feel a blush creep up my cheeks and hope she can't see. She shows me how to put my fingers on the guitar so I can get the notes right. When my fingers keep slipping and I'm about to give up, she says, "Here, maybe this will help." She gets behind me and wraps her arms around so she can help me get the chords right. She's so close I can feel the heat radiating off of her body. I feel my cheeks heat up again, thankful she isn't in front of me to see how hard I'm blushing. I can barely keep my fingers on the neck of the guitar because everytime she moves my fingers, her body presses against mine. I can feel her breath on my neck and for a moment, everything stops. The music, the cars outside, time itself and I would give all I had if it could stay like that, but nothing lasts forever. She takes the guitar and puts it on the floor next to her without moving from where she was. Now it's just me and her. In her room. On her bed. Her breathing still steady on my neck. I turn around and our faces are mere inches apart. This is weird for her. She would have moved away by now. But we sit there. In the silence. Face to face. Four blue eyes. She looks down breaking our eye contact. And whispers, "there's something I want to tell you. I have -"
Before she can finish, my lips find hers. I can't hold it back any longer. She pulls away. Oh no. What have I done? I back up a little bit as my cheeks flush a violent shade of pink. "Oh no. Oh my. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean. I thought-"
Suddenly, her lips are on mine again and I'm not the one who initiated the kiss. She pulls away again and I can see her blushing. "It's okay."
I look at her absolutely dumbfounded.
She likes me?
I swallow hard and we sit there holding each other's gaze for what seemed like an eternity. Then she looks down and says, almost completely inaudibly, "I've wanted to do that for so long you don't understand."
I wanted to say trust me, if anyone understands, it's me, but I'm a a total loss for words. My best friend aka the girl I've had a crush on since the day we met just kissed me. She reaches up and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Can I kiss you again?" She asks.
All I can do is nod, and slowly, she closes the gap between us. Its starts out very slow, like were trying to understand what this means for both of us. It's passionate. It's flawless. It's really something. It's.. What's the word I'm looking for.. It's fearless. It's bliss. Her hands find my hair and tangle themselves in it while my hands find their way around her, pulling her closer. Her tongue glides across my bottom lip asking for permission. I grant it and part my lips just enough for her tongue to slide inside sending chills down my spine. She let's out a moan into my mouth and I swear it is the single most beautiful sound I have ever heard. She pushes me onto the bed and falls on top of me without taking her lips off mine. One of her hands find their way to the button of my pants. She breaks the kiss and looks into my eyes. "Is this okay?" I nod and she undoes my pants and pull them off and comes up to find my lips again. I tug at her dress asking to take it off. She smirks onto my lips and says "I only bought this dress so you could take it off." I pull the dress up and over her head and throw it to the side. She plants wet kisses down my jawline towards my collarbone. With every kiss inching further down my body, I feel a new wave of heat between my legs. She unhooks my bra with ease and removes it from my body. She cups one of my breasts with one hand and puts her mouth over the other allowing her tongue to circle my nipple. She does the same on the other side until she is thoroughly satisfied. She leaves a trail of kisses going down my stomach, stopping right before my panty line. She looks up at me questioningly. "Please." I pant. She puts her fingers on top of my soaking wet underwear before sliding them down my legs and tossing them behind her. She pauses for a minute, then proceeds to place kisses up the inside of my thigh at an excruciatingly slow pace. I'm trembling. "Tay, please. I-I need you." Taylor breathes against my throbbing center and I squirm in response. "Please don't tease me, Tay." Her eyes flick up to meet mine for a swift second before she looks back down and goes to work. She puts her mouth around my center and slides her tongue between my slick folds. She has barely started and I can already feel myself tensing. "Fuck" I say which only excites her movements. "Language." She says with her mouth against me. She puts one finger in, then another and moves them back and forth in a slow, steady motion. She picks up the pace and a moan escapes my lips. I use my free hand to grip the sheets as she starts to go faster, excited by the sounds that are coming out of my mouth. She keeps going in and out with each thrust bringing me closer and closer to my climax. I grip the sheets and her hair harder and arch my back. "Fuck Tay. I'm close. Fuck." She slows down allowing me to ride out my high and brings herself back up to meet my lips again. "Fuck. You taste so good." She says into my lips. I smirk. "Language, Ms. Swift." I put my arm around her and in one fluid motion I flip her onto the bed and straddle her waist. "I've waited a long time to do this" I say. "Dreamed of the moment I could finally do this. Prayed for it even." "Well the altar is my hips, darling." She looks at me and bites her lip.
God, she is so hot.
"You're so gorgeous. Just like the first time I saw you. And now, everytime I look at you, it's like the first time." I lean down and kiss her trying to explain all my feelings through this kiss while her hips start to move against mine. I reach behind her and undo her bra and slide it down her arms and onto the floor. I look down and take in the view of this angel before me. She's golden and it reminds me of daylight. I've waited so long for this moment, it's hard to believe it's actually happening. I desperately want to savour it. I lean down and place a kiss on her jawline. I move down onto her neck and she tilts her head, allowing me full access. I find a spot and suck hard and she tries to stifle a moan. I bite down resulting in a whimper. I quickly peck the spot where she now has a slight discoloration and move down her neck and toward her breasts. I take one in my mouth and the other in my hand and begin circling the already sensitive nipples. I press my thigh onto her wet core and she starts to grind against it. After I'm done I move down towards her sweet spot. I pull down her underwear without hesitation and drag my nails along the inside of her thighs which causes her to squirm. I circle her dripping wet center delicately with my thumb but not quite ready to give her what she wants. I smirk before running my thumb over her sensitive spot causing the blonde to moan. "She looks at me panting. "That's not fair," She says between breaths "I didn't tease you." "Do you really want this?" I ask. She just nods. With that I slide two fingers in, not bothering to warm her up. She groans as she gets used to me inside of her. I pump faster and a series of moans come out of her mouth encouraging me to go faster. One of her hands finds its place in my hair while she continues to push herself toward me asking for more. I push farther until I find her sweet spot and I push their again and again helping her to reach her climax. "Fuck." she says. I look up for a second, seeing the sweat glisten off of her bare skin. She has her eyes closed and she's glowing. She is the most beautiful human being I have ever seen and seeing her like this erases any doubt I have ever had. I refocus my attention to her hips which are now thrusting upward. I put my hand on her hips to steady them and keep going. She's shaking. "Oh fuck. Oh yes. I'm close. Oh fuck." She screams. I push her hips onto the bed and she comes undone all over my hand and the sheets and the trembling stops. I go back up to meet her. "You taste so fucking good." I say. And then I kiss her. We lay on top of the sheets because we are both hot and panting and she puts her arm around me protectively. I turn to face her. "Shit, I would've played that damn guitar sooner if I knew it would lead to this." She giggles. "To be fair, you we're really bad at it or I would've let you play longer." "Well in that case, I'm glad I'm a terrible guitar player." She smiles and her eyelids flutter. I kiss her forehead. "Goodnight." I whisper. She snuggles closer to me and says, "You're my best friend." And it was in that moment that I knew she was in love.

The end

A/N: so this is actually the first one shot I have ever done so feedback is greatly appreciated. If I missed something in proofreading, please let me know, I made this at 3:00 am. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Tell me what you think. ❤
S/O to anyone who can point out all the references
Edit: S/O to WonderHarmony for being able to identify all the references, even the ones that were completely unintentional, and for the idea for this story 💜

Edit: If you guys could share this, that would be greatly appreciated! <3

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