Parking the car, Adhyayan and Anvesha rushed to the elevator. It was half past eleven and Anvesha was feeling tired after a hectic day while Adhyayan was also getting drowsy. Both of them were a bit wet due to the rain that was pouring like cats and dogs.

Adhyayan inserted the key and entered his lavish penthouse switching on the lights when Anvesha chimed in, “I am in love with your house”.

“Not with me?” Adhyayan questioned raising his eyebrows as he smirked towards her.

Anvesha’s cheeks brightened with a hue of red glow as she smiled coyly and said, “You too”.

Shoving his hands in his pockets, Adhyayan searched for something and then, pulled clueless Anvesha in his embrace. As his long, masculine fingers went at the back of her neck, Anvesha got drowned in the mesmerizing trance of his dark brown eyes which had myriads of emotions of love, togetherness, longing and desire.

“Thank you for coming in my life six months ago and adding a spark of hope and mirth”, Adhyayan said as he kissed her forehead. Anvesha came out of his alluring trance and found a gold chain adorning her long, slender neck.

Anvesha smiled as she inserted her hand in her denims leaving Adhyayan perplexed. She took out a solitaire and slid it into the index finger of Adhyayan’s left hand and said, “Thank you for being on my side always”.

Adhyayan smiled hugging her and whispered huskily, “It was meant for my ring finger”.

Anvesha whispered back, “That will be done on the day of our engagement”, as butterflies did a happy dance in her stomach mellowing her body in Adhyayan’s soft touch as he peppered some kisses on her curly locks.

Anvesha lifted her face and her icy blue eyes met the dark brown ones of his. Their proximity increased as Adhyayan engulfed his masculine arms around her small waist and his eyes got stuck her soft, pink lips that looked like fresh glowing rose petals.

A jolt of shiver ran down her spine as he tucked a strand of her hair at the back of her ear and said in a husky tone, “Your lips are beautiful.”

Anvesha could sense butterflies in her stomach as she smiled with her icy blue eyes closed in shyness. Peppering a soft kiss on her cute nose, he huskily said, “Your nose is so cute”, as Anvesha blushed at the remark.

Adhyayan smirked looking at the flustered cheeks of Anvesha who was enjoying his mesmerizing touch.

Peppering wet kisses on both of her blushing cheeks, Adhyayan lingered near soft lips as his brown eyes darkened in desire. Anvesha, on the other hand, was wanting him to claim her first kiss but she couldn’t find words to express her desire. Her heart was thumping loudly and she began biting her lower lip involuntarily.

Adhyayan found her innocent act too sensual and couldn’t control himself. With a smirk plastered on his face, he asked, “May I?” to which Anvesha nodded affirmatively.

Within the fraction of seconds, Adhyayan slammed his bow-shaped lips on her soft pink ones which were actually soft like fresh rose petals and tasted heavenly. Adhyayan moaned in the kiss as he tasted the luscious lips of Anvesha who raked her slender fingers in his brown hair.

Lost in their own carnal desires, both Adhyayan and Anvesha showered their love onto each other in the passionate kiss.

Delving in the nooks and crannies of her mouth, his tongue tasted her as his hands roamed on her back reaching her lower waist as he bit her soft lower lip roughly followed by gently sucking it.

For the need of air, Anvesha parted from the everlasting kiss while Adhyayan just groaned missing the soft touch of her lips. He smirked glancing at her swollen lips and winked at her. Trying to hide her blush after a passionate, hungry kiss; Anvesha hid herself in his arms while he just chuckled embracing her.

Their moment was broken with the thunder in the sky bring back Anvesha to reality. She gracefully parted from the hug and said, “It’s late. I guess, we should sleep.”

Adhyayan smiled looking at her and showed her the guestroom which was neatly arranged with a comfortable bed and lavish interiors. She smiled and mumbled a ‘good night’ trying to control her heart that was thumping loudly and a different sensation was developing inside her body. Laying on the bed she smiled to herself when her phone beeped,

You look gorgeous when you blush and your lips are luscious. I will honored to have the pleasure to have you in my abode forever. 😘
Good night Precious💞

Anvesha smiled as she reverted with a ‘good night’ and tried to sleep closing her eyes peacefully while Adhyayan grinned like a fool in his room longing for Anvesha.  


Hi everyone

So, I am back with an update. 💖
I will be back soon till then enjoy the bliss of your life and shower your love on this story with plentiful votes and lovely comments. 😍 😍

Next chapter comes with a bomb 💣 😅😅😅

Your comments and votes give me immense happiness 😉😉😉

Love you all

Rainbow of our Love Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ