Drama every which way part 2

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I slowly started to wake up and looked around the room I was in. I could tell it was an older house and abandoned as well.

"Well look who's up."

"Where am I?"

"Well somewhere they won't find you, at least not in time anyway."

"What did you give me?"

"Just a little mix to knock you out for a few hours."

"So, what is your plan then?"

"Get rid of you, get back what we want." Elena said coming out.

"Who's all helping you Kathrine?"

"Well we were going to have Edward and Alice help but they were getting annoying and wanted to keep you alive, but we want you dead. So, I compelled them and sent them on there happy way not to hard to tell the truth. But we do have some help from someone who wants you gone just as much as us."

I heard someone else walk into the room.


"Hello Bella, I'm so happy to see you, now ever if it is just to kill you."

"How did you all meet?"

"Well Victoria here came looking for you and the Cullen's and we met her as we were out and about. We found out how much she hates you as well and we came up with a plan to get rid of you. You really do a good job with making people not like you."

"Well what can I say I help people see others for who they truly are, and people don't like who you all are at all. No wonder my brothers and Elijah moved on from both of you. Your both horrible and want everything to be about you. Yes, Elijah and I might disagree at times even my brothers and I do but at the end of the day they will always choose me over the two of you. They would choose anyone over the two of you at this point in time to tell the truth." Katherine hand came across my face fast and hard.

"You always ruin everything, and I am not doing that anymore. I am so sick of you and the never-ending Bella train. I had to listen to it from everyone. All over the place, vampires, witches, humans, heck even wolfs all talk about Bella. Everyone loves you but they do not all know your dark secrets like I do."

"What would that be?"

"You are a liar."

"What did I lie about?"

"Everything, you do all you can to get everyone to love you. You don't care about anyone but yourself though."

"I think you are thinking about yourself. Everything I do is for everyone else."

"So how was it for everyone else you not telling them about the prophecy?"

"How do you even know about that?"

"I know a lot about you and everything else I do all I can to learn all about you and any secret you have."

"Alright yes I didn't tell them."

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