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Covered by the anger, to hide all of the fear
Deep inside, is sadness, a heart full of tears
Frustration pressed upon her, no one to run to
Carrying all their problems upon your should too
Afraid of their judgement, they'll have something to say
But God hasn't judged you, so who are they anyways?
There's no one to speak to but yourself
You've turned to your demons, they're your friends.

And jealousy is covering, all of the bad complex
You blame it on someone else cause your full of righteousness?
You deny all of your flaws, it brings you embarrassment
But if you speak or not, they're still disappointed
Feeling guilty over nothing, they made you feel you went too far
If everyone's perfect, you're the only one that's not
They know you're kinda different, that's why you're so misunderstood
You feel so hurt, you're ashamed of being you
So then you turn to being happy, but that's all fake
When they attack you gotta defend, your image is at stake
Getting angry makes it look like everything's okay.

   I am the ANGRY GIRL, hiding all my emotions deep
I'll just bottle it up, don't show it don't let them take a peek
Cause I'm afraid of what they'll say
I'm afraid they'll run away
Fear eats up everything, invites all his friends to join him
And then I end up being the ANGRY GIRL.

Did you know that?
Anger is a secondary emotion. You must feel other emotions first before you experience anger.
Showing anger allows us to protect our vulnerable feelings like:
- fear. - sadness. - hurt. - frustration. - disappointment. - embarrassment. - being misunderstood. - guilt. - anxiety.

So basically there's always a vulnerable side to an angry person.
Anyways this poem was written by me
Hope it inspired you
Love, zizi❤️


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