Part 18

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"You look like shit. Where's Haz?" Dom's ever-welcoming first words as he answered the door to a deathly looking Tom- his face pale and sweaty, with a grimace on his face. The morning after the night before had not been a pretty one for Tom. All he wanted was a pj day and junk food but since it was the day prior to him and his family going to Kenya that just wasn't an option. They'd chosen to go on safari over new year, for a start to 2020 that didn't involve British rain.

"He went back to see his family... how are you Dom?" Y/n offered following Tom in, as he seemingly couldn't be bothered to reply.

"All the better for seeing you killed off my firstborn, while you're as cheery as ever"

"What can I say, a girl of many talents?" She grinned, side-hugging Dom as they walked into the kitchen. "So are you all packed for Kenya?"

"Not at all, what about you Tom?" Dom answered Y/n before trying to include Tom in the conversation once again.

"Yeh I've been really productive this morning, got up at 6:30 made a full english, went to the gym and-"

"Or he spent the morning crying into the pillow cos someone turned the brightness up on the sun"

"Like father like son" Nikki laughed as they entered the kitchen, pulling both Tom then Y/n into a greeting hug.

The afternoon was spent with Y/n helping Paddy to pack his case, Nikki deeming her responsible enough to oversee the operation, while Tom napped on the spare bed - as far from organised as he could possibly be. It got to 4 o'clock, with Paddy nicely packed and organised and after having lost a game of Mario kart to him that Y/n decided her and Tom should make moves. Purely because she knew the only bit of packing he had done was her buying him some sun cream. She knew they needed to get back to his apartment- but also that getting him was there was another question.

"Tom...Tom... wake up sleeping beauty" She laughed, while dodging a pillow he haphazardly threw in her general direction. "We have to go get you packed! Come on Tom... you've got pack for Cherry too and-"

"I don't want to leave you" he grumbled, pulling her down so she was lying on top of him. This had been playing on both their minds recently, as the count down to his families flight ticked away. Tom wasn't only going to a week and a bit, him and Harry would then fly to Morocco, where Cherry would be wrapped.

"You can talk Mr jetting round the world, little old me is stuck here with a barista machine and uni assignments to write." She tried to keep a straight face, but he started to tickle the back of her neck and she broke. "Last night was fun, feel like I've been missing out on nights out with you all"

"I had no idea you were so wild... you literally haven't chilled since house parties age 15" He joked, finally sitting up and rubbing his eyes, feeling a lot more human after a couple more hours sleep.

"And I can still drink you under the table" She grinned, pulling the duvet off him, so he had to get up. With a pout Tom sighed, before rocking up and standing, then helping Y/n too remake the bed as they headed out the spare room.

"Do you want to stay over tonight? Our final time together before you have to live without me for a whole month."

"How will I cope?" She rolled her eyes sarcastically "But yeh please I kind of wanted to wave you off"

"Aren't you cute?" He winked while slinging his arms over her shoulders, leading her downstairs to bid farewell to his family.


"Shit... um Y/n? "

"Yeh what's up?"

"There's photos from last night. Us 3 all walking to the taxi"

Right infront of you // Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now