Chapter 3 -Jealous mates

Start from the beginning

"We are her bestfriends we were there for Gabriella when Rico-"

"Don't you dare say anything, I'm not telling them yet Dave" Gabriella said

What was she hiding from us? Obviously we have just met her but we just want her safe and protected like the rest of our mates. She will tell us when she is ready. We won't push her to tell us. We want to earn her trust. 

"Ok I won't. We came to tell you we go to your school now. You'll see us tomorrow yeah?" Dave said 

She smiled and said "I am so happy we will be at school together now"

"Us too we will see you tomorrow" Dave said

"Yeah see you at school tomorrow guys love you" Gabriella said.

"Love you too girl bye" Riri said

"Bye beautiful" Dave said and left

She shut the door behind them and turned to look at us.

 "Why did you say you love them? You should only love us." Tony said.

Gabriella's pov

"Mine!" Bruce said as he cuddled into me

"Not yours" Bruce growled at Riri and Dave especially the Dave.

"I'm all yours Bruce, all of yours and only yours. Calm down guys these are my friends" I stroked Bruce's face.

I now they are jealous but there's no need to be. I am all theirs and they are all mine. They are probably jealous because they just found me as their last mate and will be a bit possessive and protective for a whole. They allays will be but it will settle after a while. But it's alright, no on can take me away from them.

"We are her bestfriends we were there for Gabriella when Rico-"

"Don't you dare say anything, I'm not telling them yet Dave" I said

I wasn't ready to tell my mates yet. I would tell them when I am ready because it still scares me a bit to think about him and what happened.

"Ok I won't. We came to tell you we go to your school now. You'll see us tomorrow yeah?" Dave said

 "I am so happy we will be at school together now" I said and smiled.

"Us too we will see you tomorrow" Dave said

"Yeah see you at school tomorrow guys love you" I said.

"Love you too girl bye" Riri said

"Bye beautiful" Dave said and left with Riri

I shut the door behind them and turned to look at my mates.

"Why did you say you love them? You should only love us." Tony said.

" I love you guys all the same with all of my love and with all that I can give you but I have different types of relationships with people I have the love for my family, love for you guys because you are my soulmates and love for my best friends ok? But I have different types of love for each one of them but I don't want anyone else but you guys ok? You guys are mine and I am yours alright?" I said

They all cuddled into me and I hugged them all back enjoying hugging them and being this close with them all.

"Yes we all understand" They replied.

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