Shut Up And Listen

Start from the beginning

"He's just a bit moody at the moment." Kilyan tried to explain but he knew that I wasn't buying it. "So what happened to you little Eddie? That's a new look on you. How come?" He grinned and I blushed slightly, I couldn't tell him.

"Well..." I started but he cut me off.

"Is it for your mate?" His question caught me off guard and I stared at him for a while. I remained silent as we neared his car and climbed inside, I only answered when we were a bit outside of town on the way to our pack village.

"Yes.", was all I whispered but I knew he'd heard me.

Lucian is such an idiot.

I could hear his thought without being able to block it. I frowned slightly confused as to why my abilities had seemed to be lacking their usual finesse lately but shrugged it off.

"He told you then did he?" I asked quietly and Kilyan huffed.

"He didn't have to. I could barely block out his thou- but he did tell me, yes." He'd stopped himself before finishing his first sentence and I frowned at him. 

"Well, let's not talk about me. Let's talk about you. How've you been? I haven't seen you in ages!" I exclaimed and he chuckled.

"I'm good, I guess. Nothing much's been happening." Oh and finding your mate isn't 'much'? I shook my head slowly but ignored his statement.

"We should have a movie night again." I sighed. "We've not hung out as much as we used to and they were always fun." I really did miss our weekly movie nights; every Friday we used to go to Kilyan's place and sit in his room (he had a massive room, being the Alpha's son had its perks, with a fireplace and tv and everything.) and watch a movie or two- or three. 

"Sure. I'll get Lucian to come too." I froze and stared at him for a second before shrugging it off; two can play this game.

"Fine and I'll bring Luke." Kilyan visibly tensed and his hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly, his knuckles turned white.

"I'm sure he- he has other things to do tonight." I pretended to think for a moment.

"Nope, he doesn't. He was telling me how he'd be bored to death tonight anyways. He has family coming over from Canada. They're really boring, trust me I've met them." I watched him carefully and he seemed to listen attentively as if he didn't want to miss a thing I said about his mate. Inwardly I sighed and pitied them both. I could see Kilyan wanted to give in, but he was too damned stubborn for his own good; always had been. 

"I guess." He grumbled and came to a stop at a red light.

"We should stop at Tesco's and get some snacks, or do you have some at home?"

"Nah, I'm all out." So he pulled up at the closest Tesco and we bought everything we needed for our movie night. This was gonna be fun.


He parked his car in the garage and I jumped out enthusiastically. 

"I'll just text Lukey to be here... wait when are we starting this?" I turned towards my cousin who was struggling with all the bags in the back. 

"I dunno. Just whenever. Lucian is gonna be here 'round 6." He muttered and went inside.

movie night @Kilyan's tonight. 6pm. Be here. Look sexy. 


I texted Luke and grabbed the last bags to carry to the kitchen. We had also done some of their weekly shopping, like milk and some meat and all that so that we didn't feel too guilty and selfish. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out with an evil smirk, which Kilyan commented by calling me "devil's spawn" but I chose to ignore him.


Oh, he was mad. But I knew it was only because this movie night would get him into a dark room with Kilyan without a chaperone. I mean, let's be honest, I would be a useless chaperone. 

Whatever do you mean? It's just an innocent movie night~ Come onn! You can't leave me alone here! Lucifer is coming too! 

I texted back and Luke replied in a second.

Fine, but you owe me. x

We'll see about that. 

I texted him back and smirked.

"The least you can do is help a little!" Kilyan suddenly exclaimed as I shoved my phone back into my pocket and looked up to see him buried underneath a pile of bags full of junk food and drink for tonight.

"Yes yes, coming Alpha." I mocked him but took half the bags and carried them up to his room. This was bound to be an interesting night.

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