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This story was originally written in Italian, my first language. I translated it aith google and fixed some spelling mistakes and stuff.

Hope you like it!

WARNING! There may be light spoilers of manga Tendou in the last part!


Tendou Satori is not like the sun.

 Ushijima Wakatoshi is not like the moon.

 However, they remain opposed in almost everything. 

Tendou loves to talk, loves to tell stupid things, loves to be pleased and feel strong.

Ushijima loves to be silent, observe, listen and be strong.

It's not that the two of them fit together perfectly like puzzle pieces. But it's not that it is so important for them to be perfect for each other. 

It had all happened so quickly. One moment Tendou was watching Wakatoshi spike and a moment later he was talking to him. He was the only one who had actually tried to speak with Ushijima. Gradually they had become friends and, in their second year, in the dark about everything and everyone, they had held hands, kissed and fallen in love. Nobody would suspect a relationship between the two. 

Shiratorizawa won every game played. At the national teams they lost every now and then. The first time they lost a game was in their second year when they were actually part of the starters. Everyone was demoralized on the way home on that bus. 

You could see it in the dark eyes of each team member. Everyone who reevaluated their mistakes.

However, in the last double seat, Ushijima was seated, serious as usual, perhaps a little disappointed, but not too much because he knew he could improve. Beside him, Tendou was sitting whispering something in Ushijima's ear, a considerably almost disturbing smile was on his face.

On that bus seeing Tendou was like seeing someone dressed in red at a funeral. Out of place. 

The captain of that year's team was watching them. He knew that those two perhaps had something special between them. From how Ushijima actually smiled and BLUSHED to the words Tendou was whispering in his ear, and how, in many games, Ushijima celebrated in his own way with each successful block of Tendou. From how Tendou spoke in a particular way only to him. Of how they sometimes communicated only with their eyes. Why he was watching them, the captain didn't know, but the two were mysterious. And after a while Tendou laid his head on Ushijima's shoulder.

The captain was surprised, it seemed like a stupid move. Are you seriously sleeping on Ushijima Wakatoshi's shoulder?!

The thing that surprised him most was the fact that Ushijima had put a protective arm around Tendou's shoulders, and Tendou looked at him in a particular way, which allowed him to fall asleep using Ushijima's legs as a pillow. 

Tendou almost looked like an overgrown child, so crouched in that seat, partially lying on Ushijima. 

The thing that surprised the captain even more was the fact that Ushijima smiled and started stroking Tendou's hair slowly. They seemed perfect. It looked like a scene from a movie. 

The captain then realized that he was staring and not wanting to attract the attention of the two decided to instead take his phone (and perhaps taking a couple of photos in secret) and write to his girlfriend to whom he spoke of everything. He also spoke to her about Tendou and Ushijima (and probably showed her the pictures he took of the two) and she said to him: "They probably found each other when we need them most" he said it after seeing Ushijima's enlightened gaze in one of the photos he had sent. 

Maybe it was so. 

In their third year, Ushijima and Tendou were defined by all 'best friends' and even when they were alone, whether they were in public, like in the gym or classroom, Tendou refers to himself as Ushijima's 'best friend'. 

Although Tendou often slept in Ushijima's bed. 

Ushijima didn't have a roommate because for some reason they didn't want Tendou and Ushijima to share a room and nobody really wanted to share the room with Wakatoshi. In reality Tendou would gladly change rooms. His roommate is annoying and studies subjects that Tendou doesn't understand. 

Why do you need to know about chemistry and math when volleyball exists? 

Also Tendou's roommate is pretty scared of him so nobody understands why he can't change rooms.

What if it is Ushijima's mother's fault again? 

Tendou met her once and after two minutes for Ushijima it was 'forbidden' to speak to him. 

Who was she to decide it?

 That woman ... or rather that...can I say whore? 

She cared about the tradition and family name, so she was quite shocked that Wakatoshi had decided to become a professional volleyball player. And she cared that her son's friends were right for the family name. 

And she cared that Wakatoshi married one of the girls on family contracts as she had been in use in her family for centuries. Her marriage itself started from a contract between families, so she didn't mind getting a divorce after.

So imagine her reaction when Wakatoshi told her that he would go to study in a university for which he had won a scholarship for volleyball and that he would live with Tendou who would go to the same school to study psychology.

She was made. Very mad.

She screamed and told him he couldn't go because he was soon going to reach his twentieth birthday and had to get married for some family tradition.

He told him he didn't want to.

She screamed and asked him why he wanted to go that school and expecially why did he want to live with that 'red haired weirdo that's just gonna cause you problems' 

So Wakatoshi told her the truth.

He told her that in fact he was dating Tendou. That he was most certainly attracted to males too. He preferred males in all honesty.

She threw a tantrum and told him that she'll fix him and some bullshit. All of this in the middle of the Shiratorizawa parking lot. 

People heard everything.

Ushijima didn't care. 

His mother told him his name wasn't going be on her will and that she was very disappointed. 

Tendou may have told her that she was a bitch for saying that and that she was such a bad mother even a fucking pig would vomit. 

But yeah, things happen.

Ushijima started talking with his father again after the least heard what happened with his...birther woman-

Tendou and Ushijima started living together. They got a cat. They named her Froggy Chair. legally. 

but they usually call her Frog.

yeah a cat named Frog.

Tendou's idea.

Ushijima started growing roses on their balcony, and everytime the roses would almost die, he took a dozen and gave them to Tendou.

A sweet, sweet life.

Then Tendou accidentally shaved his head but that's a story for another day ahah GOODBYE

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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