Chapter 6

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When Peter woke up he started to panic because he thought he was back with Hydra. He started flailing around in the bed knocking all the sheets off him. He heard something beeping next to him, but he didn't pay attention to it.

Tony woke up when he heard the heart monitor going crazy. He then saw Peter struggling against the bedsheets. "Hey Pete, settle down..." he was next to him in an instant trying to calm him down while also trying not to touch him. "Peter it's me, Tony. You're safe now." He looked into his sad brown eyes. It seemed as if something had broken deep inside of him.

"Tony..." Peter whispered. Suddenly he started crying as he hugged his arms to his chest. Tony sat down on the bed next to him and wrapped him in a hug. To his surprise, Peter didn't try to flinch away.

Tony took the opportunity to gently stroke his hair. "It's going to be okay. I'm going to make sure everything is okay..." And Peter believed him.

~line break~

It took some time, but all the Avengers worked extra hard to get Peter back to normal. They would all touch him as often as possible even if he flinched. Hugs, quick pokes, even just sitting close to him on the couch. And eventually, he started to flinch less and less.

Clint and Sam had officially been appointed the job of getting him to smile again. The would tell him jokes. Pull pranks on the other Avengers. They even made sure that a happy movie was always playing in the sitting room. And he slowly started smiling more and more.

Natasha and Steve were on nightmare patrol. Ever since the incident, he got nightmares a lot. So, who better than the two Avengers that also had frequent nightmares to help him? Any time he had a nightmare the two would be alerted and they would go to his room to help him deal with it. And he was starting to have them less and less.

Bruce and Thor's mission was to get him to start talking more. It was hard not to talk when you were around Thor. And Bruce knew all about the science things Peter liked to talk about. They were soon having full-blown conversations with him again.

And perhaps the most important job, Bucky and Tony were going to get him to walk again. Tony made Peter a fancy prosthetic foot and Bucky helped him go through rehab given that he knew what it was like.

Within a month it seemed that they had gotten Peter back to normal as much as they could. Peter came over after school every day and he came by on weekends. He would often ask for Tony's help on his homework even though he was completely capable of completing it himself. But he didn't want to let Tony be bored.

He loved talking and smiling and he absolutely loved physical contact. Maybe now more than ever. Anytime he was feeling sad he would find the nearest Avenger and hold their hand. This way they knew he needed to be cheered up without him having to outright say it.

Peter was glad to be back, and all the Avengers were glad to have him back. They didn't even want to think about what life would be like without their little spider. It would be a lot sadder. They knew that for sure. But they didn't have to worry about that. Because he was back now. And they were never going to let anything happen to him again.

The End.

(A/N - Well guys, that's it! Thanks so much for reading. I know this one wasn't as high a quality as some of my other stories, but I do hope you liked it. Remember, with great power, comes great responsibility!) 

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