"Yeah it is" Hayley finally answered after a few moments and I turned towards her smiling before returning to my seat beside her. "So Heidi I was curious, have you broken your werewolf curse yet?" Hayley asked and I shook my head.

"No and to be completely honest I don't want to" I answered honestly and she looked at me curiously. "Why not? You don't want to be able to turn like the rest of your pack?" She questioned and I shook my head.

"I don't have a pack. I've never met them so I don't even know what's going to happen once I trigger it, I'm actually kinda scared to" I explained to her and face saddened.

"I'm sorry, and when you trigger it....I don't want to lie to you, turning hurts especially the first time and there's nothing to possibly ease the pain of turning but I can assure you that once you do turn there is no words to describe how amazing it feels" she told me and looked down at my hands.

I had never really thought about what would happen after I trigger it, I've sorta always just avoided that topic.

"Hayley whe-" I male voice suddenly spoke up sounding kinda annoyed and in a hurry. Instantly Hayley and I turned to the source of the voice and when I found it I just sat there in complete shock, frozen.

"You must be this Heidi I've annoyingly heard a lot about" he spoke but I just sat there starring.....who would have guessed that that would be the first thing my father has ever said to me in person.

I'm in a room with both of my parents at the same time. I don't think I can handle this!

Breathe Hope, just breathe!

"Klaus" Hayley warned and he just stuck his hands up in defence before walking further into the room.

"Elijah seeks your assistance" he informed Hayley and I watched as she sighed slightly before standing up making me panic slightly, no no no don't leave me alone!

"I'll be back Heidi I promise, Klaus don't be mean" she said before mouthing a sorry as she quickly jogged out of the room leaving me with my father.

I had always pictured this moment in my head as a child I had always imagined he would pull me into his arms and never let go and for once I'd feel completely safe and sound.

"Are you the father of Hayley's child?" I asked not really knowing what else to say but I knew I couldn't handle this endless silence. I assumed my question caught him slightly by surprise as he looked at me shocked but quickly his expression changed into nothing as he walked around the room, me waiting for his answer even though I already knew it.

"Obviously Hayley has forgotten the meaning of family secrets" he said and I just shrugged. "I could disagree" I replied silently refurring to the fact that technically she didn't tell someone outside the family.

"Hayley informed me about your little 'secret'" he suddenly spoke, putting quotations marks around secret and I just stared at him emotionless, thinking of something to say.

"Oh." I replied not really knowing what else to say, for some unknown reason I felt nervous talking to him maybe it had something to do with the fact that the only other man I've really known in my life is Matt....I really do miss them.

"Heidi! Thankgod you're alright!" A voice suddenly exclaimed and a confused Niklaus and myself turned towards the source of the voice only to find a relieved looking Cami.

"Cami?" I questioned as I got up and walked towards her as she pulled me into her arms and held me tightly which caught me by surprise, slowly she let go and bent down slightly so we were eye level as she scanned over my body.

Littlest Wolf (Hope Mikaelson FanFiction) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now