"She didn't tell me someone was after her if that's what you're looking for, she said some troubling things though." Ace tapped his fingers on the desk, "She wanted me to know how much I meant to her if anything were to ever happen, she's told me that a thousand times though. She's always been paranoid."

"Why?" Penelope refrained from going deeper into Cecilia's past out of privacy, but if she found something that could reveal how Cecilia reacted under certain situations it could give the team more insight on how Cecilia was handling being held captive. If she had cracked yet.

"All the stuff that happened in her childhood most likely." Ace shrugged, not seeing how it was important. Penelope didn't seem to get what he was suggesting which surprised him a bit, "You really don't know?"

"I don't, but anything helps." Penelope shook her head before resting her forearms on the table in front of her. Ace cleared his throat before speaking.

"I thought it was your guy's job to know everything about everyone." Ace tilted his head at her before continuing, "Cecilia's parents were murdered, that's all i'll say until she's ready to talk to you all about it herself. Just, don't look into it any further. Let her tell you."

"And that explains why she was adopted, wow okay." Penelope didn't really know what else to say, she respected Cecilia too much to go against Ace's suggestion.

The two spent the next two hours going over Cecilia's daily routine and the people she ran into to find if there was anyway someone was following her. They scanned over security footage of everywhere she went, even take-out restaurants. Sara was on a break when she finally saw the text from Ace, and her mind immediately went to the worst. She only had thirty more minutes of a shift, so she thought it was best to work through it. She knew Cecilia, and trusted she would be okay.

As the hours moved both of the siblings, not to mention the team's nerves got worse. Hotch could notice the drastic change in demeanor within his team, and within himself. He couldn't lie, through the eight months Cecilia had been with the team, she had grown on him. He knew damn well she was a great agent, but he knew she was a great person more. In the eight months he also noticed Spencer's infatuation with her, and he knew it went both ways. Aaron always caught their stares at one another, even if they themselves were too oblivious to notice. As he watched the young doctor pace back in forth, fingers rubbing at his eyes, he knew they had to get her back. For both the strength of the team and the people on it.

He made a quick and slightly abrupt decision.

"Sheriff Dawn, something has come up back at Quantico. We have given you the profile, and we were planning on staying a little longer. But, I feel that I need to get my team back home." Hotch spoke to the shorter man standing in front of him. God, he hoped he was making the right decision.

"I understand completely, I think we can handle it from here. Thank you for what you and your team have done." Sheriff Dawn moved forward to shake Aaron's hand, Rossi and the rest of the team were watching suspiciously. Hotch walked back to them and watched as they stared at him awaiting him to speak up.

"We're going home to find Cecilia." Spencer sighed almost as soon as the words fell from the man's mouth, he turned to JJ who nodded her head softly before moving to give the stressed boy a hug.


     "Where are we?" Cecilia decided on her first question, if she was going to profile the man in front of her she was going to do it right. She already configured from the way he carried himself and from his past words that he was a narcissist. She needed to see how he reacted to her being in pain to figure out if he was a sadist or not, but she wasn't sure if she wanted to figure that out.

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