Chapter 1: A Fight With A One Eyed Bear.

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Midoriya woke up in a cold sweat, panting and shivering.  Its that damn dream.
The dream was a old memory, one midoriya  was trying to forget.

I need to hunt... Midoriya sat up, and got out of bed. Midoriya didn't need to hunt, but he needed the distraction.

His bed was made out of straw and moss that was dried.

As he got up his, back streamed in pain. That dumb fire deer thing!

Midoriya got attack a few days back, a Elk that could set itself ablaze had a bone to pick with midoriya .

Midoriya was able to scare it away, but he couldn't kill it. There was no way he could kill the thing as he was bleeding from his early kill.

Midoriya didn't know where he was, all he knew was that this forest had way too many animals with quirks.

Midoriya was covers in scars from fights, his favourite, a bite mark from a wolf that could breathe under Water.

I should go for something small. Was all midoriya could think as he passed poorly made baskets, and a few damaged books.

He got out of the cave, he called home.

He wore a oversized green sweater, a rocky belt, and blue jeans. No shoes, socks or anyone of that stuff. He only had these things because a bag held the Items in it.

As midoriya stalked around, silent and swift, he saw a badger. Yea no, I would like some easy food today. Badgers where monsters, they Knew no mercy when it came to food. A badger bit his hand, causing a infection, to which midoriya had to cut off the flesh.

He turned away and attempted leave, when he heard the familiar roar of a very angry bear.


Midoriya was not about to be gutted like a fish. He knew what bear it was, and it did not like him.

Midoriya his behind a large rock, that hard a few trees covering it. His heart was pounding and his mind was praying to whatever god that he ever knew.

Midoriya knew he his too late, and held a knife tightly in his hand, as a growl was heard.

Welp... I'm screwed. Midoriya thought as he began to panic.

He smelt a burning smell, and he imeadtly jumped away from the rock.  The rock was covered in a Bright light, and the plants around began to sizzle.

Behind the rock, stood the bear. It glared at midoriya, with its only yellow eye. " heyyy, bud.... I didn't see you there. You know what, I'm just going to leave and head home." Midoriya said.

The bear snorted , as another beam of lighting was charging up. Damn, I don't want to fight! Midoriya thought as he began to run away from the bear.

The bear growled, as the Bright blue beam shot at midoriya. He ducked in the Nick of time, as he felt the the heat burn his hair.

Before midoriya could continue to run, he felt his shoulder being ripped apart. The bear was now on top of him.

The bear flipped midoriya over on his back, and stood on him.  Midoriya's shirt was torn apart. The bear let bout a " small " beam at midoriya's chest. Midoriya screamed in pain, and without thinking, jammed his thumb into the bear's only eye.

The bear howled in pain, and got away from midoriya, as it tried to attack midoriya.

But midoriya just ran, his self preservation with stronger than then his pride. And he ran to his home, leaving the Bear blind

That would probably bite him back later, but for now he was safe.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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