Sotam-I'm Found

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A/N: So this is my favorite ship, and I made fanart for the concept. :D

When Sophie meets Tam and Linh for the first time, she describes them as, "KPop singers," (pretty sure that wasn't a direct quote, :P), so I made fanart based upon that! And then came the storyline! 

Please don't get mad at me for the lack of accuracy of the storyline's details, I'm not in the industry, so I don't know how the switching of labels works and all, so I took some creative liberties...... Heheh..... Ah well. 

This is going to switch in between some POV's, but I'll tell you! The first POV is going to be Tam's!

"No, not that one. Or that one. Hmm, maybe this one... No, too bright."

I was digging through my shirts, trying to find one that would work with the black ripped jeans I was planning on wearing for my "date." 

It wasn't really a "date", but more like an official get together with my friend Sophie and her band. 

We were talking about recording a song together, with Linh and me being special featured guests for the Black Swan's latest album, Unlocked. 

I wasn't sure why they asked us, because we were Kpop stars, a two member group called Songs for You&Me, (Cheesy right? But Linh made it up.) 

And they were a mix matched group, but hey, I wasn't complaining. 

I loved the Black Swan's music, and so did Linh, but for slightly different reasons. 

She lived to tease me about my fanboy crush on the group's bassist, Biana Vacker. 

But not as of late. 

She got together with another band member, Keefe, a vocalist and their drummer, and now, I had no chance. 

But sometime during my heartbreak, I fell for someone else. 

The leader singer, Sophie Foster. 

There was something about her that made my worries and heartache fade away. 

And I had even met her in person, when we were first talking about the feature!

She was really something special, with her blonde hair, honeyed highlights, and her eyes. 

We were talking, and she said that her eyes were her least favorite part about her because they set her apart from the group, but I thought her brown eyes, flecked with gold were the best part of her. 

I didn't say anything memorable, but she looked at me, and for some reason, my core warmed, and I was suddenly very  aware of how close she was to me. 

Shaking my head free of the memory, I continued to dig through my shirts, finally deciding to go with a black v-neck. 

It always made me look slimmer, and I felt comfortable in black. 

Thundering down the stairs, I laced up my worn black sneakers and stood by the door. 

"Linh! Are you ready to go?"

I called to my sister, antsy and eager to get going. 

"Yes! But what are you wearing?"

I sighed. 

She's probably going to tell me to liven my clothes up.

"Just something! Let's go!"

"No Tammy! You're wearing all black! Put this on!"

A soft-looking light cotton blue flannel flew over the banister, and a slender white belt followed suit.

"Ugh. Linh. We have to goooooooo! And I'm not wearing that! It's too bright!"

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